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篇名 雙軌班學生與合作公司人員的性別圖像之研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 Study of sex image for students in the dual system and staff in the cooperativecompanies
作者 黃玉幸
頁次 151-176
關鍵字 雙軌班性別圖像性別區隔dual systemsex equality educationsex segmentation
出刊日期 201610




The aim of this project is to analyse sex image from students in the dual system and staff in the cooperative companies. Questionnaire survey was applied and the results were presented below: 1) ‘Sex characteristic’ achieved the highest mean score. 2) ‘Sex impression’ had the lowest mean score and the results were highly consistent. 3) ‘Sex characteristics’, ‘sex attitude for occupation’, and ‘sex impression’ could predict sex image efficiently. 4) There was a significant difference on ‘sex impression’ between the two groups. 5) Variables such as students’ background and sex image did not differ among the students. 6) There were significant differences in staff’s background, at least a part of it, and sex image in the cooperative companies. The findings will provide implications for promoting sex equality in schools and sex friendly in work field in technology industry.
