
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 競合平衡觀點下的合作體系動態穩定性研究
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 The Study of Dynamic Stabilities of Collaboration Networks Co-opetition Balance Approach
作者 楊燕枝莊皓鈞吳思華汪志堅
頁次 004-023
關鍵字 合作體系動態穩定性價値創造競合collaboration networksdynamic stabilityvalue creationco-opetitionTSSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/199582342016121804001


創新競爭時代下,產品推陳出新的速 度成為業者能否在產業中生存的關鍵。中 小企業為主的台灣產業,雖然具備了高彈 性的優勢,然而卻也難以與國際大廠的創 新能耐相抗衡。因此,合作與群聚關係成 為台灣產業穩健發展的重要因素。本研究 旨在探討在合作體系中,如何藉由添加競 爭因素,同時促使體系持續進步,但又能 維持體系的合作關係。本研究以平板玻璃 加工業者群聚G團隊為研究對象,透過對 合作體系的治理方式、競合關係的槓桿運 用等探討合作體系的穩定性。本研究採用 質性研究法,對體系内部的主導廠商、核 心廠商、外圍廠商及體系外部的專家與產 業相關研究者進行深度訪談,以及次級資 料的蒐集與分析,發現合作體系本身具有 不穩定特質的主因,在於其内部存在的矛 盾張力無法達到平衡。本研究透過解析廠 商的競合行為,提出一個維持競爭一合作 張力平衡的理論架構,以解釋合作體系在 體系層次及個體層次存在不同的競合行 為,以及不同競合行為對體系價値創造的 影響。本研究對於解析合作體系的競合平 衡,提供進一步理論探索的研究基礎。


The dynamic stability of collaboration networks refer to a non-negative growth rate while allowing for entry and exit of network members; a network without unplanned major changes or dissolutions. Although the literature identifies certain characteristics of collaboration networks that may lead to dynamic stability, the extent of our understanding of this subject appears to be fragmented and incomplete. In this article we propose an integral framework for adequately understanding dynamic stability of networks based on the balance of the tensions between collaboration and competition. We suggest that there are different forms of co-opetition between system level and individual level. We discuss the relationship between co-opetition and value creation in collaboration networks. Then we propose the mechanisms for the balance between collaboration and competition tensions and dynamic stability of networks. This integral framework helps us in explaining the mechanisms for the balance of collaboration and competit ion tensions and enables us to examine the relationships between co-opetition behaviors, value creation, and dynamic stability of collaborative networks.
