
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 台灣與韓國設計產業政策之研究
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 The Study of Design Industrial Policy between Taiwan and Korea
作者 黃偉倫
頁次 048-069
關鍵字 台灣與韓國設計產業設計產業政策設計產業發展系統design industry in Taiwan and Koreadesign industrial policydesign industry development systemTSSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/199582342016121804003


本研究利用文獻探討及產業數據分析等方法回顧與比較台灣與韓國設計產業政策的發展歷史與設計產業發展系統,其結果發現,韓國設計產業發展現況似乎優於台灣,原因應是台灣與韓國設計產業政策與設計產業發展系統的差異。以設計產業政策為例,台灣設計產業的法律保護程度 較少、台灣無服務/體驗設計等新興設計產業政策、韓國設計產業政策對象較多、台灣較缺乏政策研究類與研究調查類的設 計產業政策等;又以設計產業發展系統比較,台灣較韓國不足之處為:全國型官方 機構過多且無專責單位,造成權責分散,地區型官方機構、全國型與地區型的半官方機構與非官方機構均不足,且各機構分工機制不完整,以致於未能貫徹政策之執行。本研究建議台灣設計產業政策與設計產業發展系統應適予調整,包含:設計產業範疇(設計產業政策對象)應隨社經環境的變遷而改變、企業設計部門應被納入設計產業政策對象、政策循環機制與設計產業營運統計應執行、地區型的官方設計機構應設立、半官方與非官方的設計機構 應鼓勵設立等。


This study found that the design industry in Korean apparently enjoys advantages over the industry in Taiwan. This could be contributed to the fact that the Korean government has a different focus on the design industrial policy, and its admin-istration and supporting system. Our results based on data analysis and literature review shows that Taiwan have weaker intellectual property protection that Korea. Taiwan also do not conduct enough industrial policy research for the industry. In addition, the industrial policy in Taiwan also covers fewer target industries in Taiwan. By comparing the administration and supporting systems for the design industry in Taiwan and Korea, this study found that in Taiwan collaboration is weak among regional and national government institutions, and national and regional non-governmental organizations in Taiwan. Their role and responsibility are not properly defined and the policies are not executed effectively. This study recommends that Taiwan government could adjust the policy of de-sign industrial together with the administration and supporting system by referring to the successful case in other countries such as Korea. The main area to be considered should be regularly review the policy coverage of design industry according to the requirements of the socio-economic environment. The design department of corporation can also be included in the design nurture policy. The study also suggests that the progress of policy execution should be regularly checked by collecting the operational statistic in the designed industry. Taiwan government should also set up regional based design agencies and strengthen the collaboration among the official, semiofficial and unofficial agencies.
