
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 取與捨的抉擇|旭榮集團
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 To Take or to Give: New Wide Enterprise
作者 姚政文陳俊忠林德怡
頁次 070-085
關鍵字 horizontal expansionvertical integrationlocation choice水平擴張垂直整合區位選擇TSSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/199582342016121804004


旭榮集團成立30年以來,由創立時的蓽路藍縷,成長到今天的跨國集團,一路走來歷經了許多的關鍵時刻與重大決策,在營運初期,旭榮面臨快速發展、大幅轉型之際,從專注布業的本土公司到成衣業的跨國企業,此後旭榮歷經轉型、擴張、整合與組織變革,蛻變成現在的旭榮集團。2006年,旭榮集團的總營收達到2.55億美元,相較2002年時的0.9億美元,成長兩倍有餘。時値2007年之際,正是旭榮集團慶祝 成立30年的時刻,旭榮走到這一步,仍與其他紡職業大廠的發展路線相去不遠,也符合旭榮穩健、低調的行事風格。然而,集團高層與總管理處黃特助都很清楚,旭榮如果想要持續成長,勢必要有所突破與發展。在面臨後配額時代全球紡織產業蓬勃發展,以及主要競爭對手紛紛投入研發與深化整合的浪潮下,旭榮必須尋求公司未來持續成長的動能。旭榮的下一步該何去何從,正考驗著集團高層與黃特助的智慧。


Since its establishment, New Wide Enterprise has experienced several key strategic decisions. In the beginning period, it faced the challenges of fast changing environment and made several transformation. New Wide Enterprise transformed from a local company which focus on knit fabric mills to a multinational corporation involved in the whole value chain of clothing industry, experiencing the progress of transformation, expansion, integration and organizational change. In 2006, New Wide Enterprise has reached the performance of US$ 255billion in total sales, which doubled the number of US$90 billion in 2002. So far, New Wide Enterprise followed a similar way with the other textile companies did, corresponding to its organizational culture of steadiness. However, the TMT of New Wide Enterprise realizes that New Wide Enterprise has to make a progressive breakthrough and development to keep its growth. Faced with the prosperous development of global textile industry and the bandwagon that most competitors invest their resources in R&D and integration, What^ the next step of New Wide Enterprise?
