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篇名 家庭暴力垂直整合服務方案初探性分析: 以高雄市中區服務個案爲例
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Analysis of Family Violence Vertical Integration Service Program: Kaohsiung Middle Region for Example
作者 王明風黃誌坤
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 家庭暴力垂直整合服務方案臺灣親密關係暴力危險評估表Family ViolenceVertical Integration ServiceDanger Assessment
出刊日期 201603


目前家庭暴力防制服務的作法,乃是朝向垂直整合服務方案的形式進行,本研究希望藉 由高雄市中區的服務月報表進行初探性分析來呈現執行現況,以做爲後續服務改進之參考依 據。 研究者利用次級資料分析法,就民國100年1月至12月的報表進行百分比和〖檢定分析, 發現性別上仍是女性占多數、暴力原因以感情因素居多、第一次DA分數有二成受害人是在 高度危險組,再複評時,仍有0.8%危機狀態未解除;〖檢定分析結果顯示受害人的性別在「同 住或非同住」、」有顯著差異,加害人的性別則是在「案主年齡」、「加害人年齡」、「同住或非 同住」、「發生暴力主因」四個項目有顯著差異。 建議:(1 )執行單位宜從報表中所顯示之案主特性,研擬出更適切的服務輸送方式; (2)針對DA複評危機未解除的個案,宜加強後續的追蹤輔導服務。


Family violence prevention services currently practice toward vertical integration in the form of service programs. In this study, we hope the analysis of monthly report conducted in the middle region in Kaohsiung city present the status of implementation. Researchers use secondary data analysis method, percentage and t-test analysis conducted on monthly report from January to December, 2012. Finding: Women accounted for the majority, the majority of violence to emotional factors, 20% DA scores victims in a high-risk group, still 0.8% DA retest scores victims still in risk. The result of t-test show the victims’s sex is different for “living and non-living,” “factor of violence,” and the abuser’s sex is different for “client age,” “abuser age,” “living and non-living,” “factor of violence.” Suggestion: (1) agency should be displayed in the main characteristics of clients to develop a more appropriate way of service delivery, (2) DA clients against the re-evaluation of the crisis is not lifted, should strengthen the follow-up counseling services.
