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篇名 幼兒保育系科核心能力融入專業課程 之學生學習成效評估研究
卷期 17
並列篇名 A Study on Evaluating Student Learning Outcomes for the Department of Early Childhood Whose Core Competence Integrates with Professional Courses
作者 胡倩瑜
頁次 019-044
關鍵字 核心能力學生學習成效專科學校幼兒保育科Core CompetenceStudent Learning OutcomeJunior CollegeDepartment of Early Childhood
出刊日期 201603


教育績效的檢證與學生核心能力的提升,成爲全球教育品質保證的必然趨勢,亦是技職 教育回應產業期待的重要議題。本研究旨在透過個案專校幼兒保育科學生的觀點,評估核心 能力融入系科專業課程後的學生學習成效,評估的期程爲全學年課程結束前,評估的工具採 取學生自我問卷評量;評估的重要關係人爲專校系科全體學生。本研究共計發出649份問卷, 回收606份,經統計分析後發現:專校一年級生在整體核心能力學習成效之認知呈中低水準; 二、三年級生在整體核心能力學習成效之認知呈中等水準;四、五年級生在整體核心能力學 習成效之認知已達中高水準。另外,經差異性比較「年級」極可能是影響學生在系科核心能 力學習成效高低認知的重要因素。希冀此評估的結果,提供系科發展、教師成長與學生學習 之參考,使系科之學生學習成效具體展現,達人才培用的技職教育目標。


The evaluation of education performance and promotion of student core competence become an inevitable trend for education quality assurance in the world. It is also an important subject for technical and vocational education replying to industrial expectation. This study aims to evaluate student learning outcomes of junior college as department professional courses integrate with core competence. This evaluation was done prior to school year’s end through questionnaire survey from student self. This study sent out 649 questionnaires and got feedback of 606 questionnaires. From statistical analysis, it is revealed: 1st grade students of junior college are aware that their core competence learning outcome achieves middle-low level. 2nd and 3rd grade students achieve middle level. 4th and 5th students achieve middle-high level. Moreover, the statistical significance analysis shows that “grade” is key factor to influence students learning outcome of department core competence. Hopefully, this study result can be used as reference for department development, teacher growth and student learning, able to show student learning outcome concretely and achieve the purpose of human capability building for technical and vocational education.
