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篇名 職前教保員多元文化意識課程之建構與實踐
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Construction and Practices of Multicultural Consciousness’s Curriculum for Preservice Childcarer
作者 許孟勤
頁次 045-068
關鍵字 幼兒多元文化教育多元文化意識職前教保員多元文化課程改造課程實踐Early Childhood Multicultural EducationMulticultural ConsciousnessPre-Service ChildcarerCommunication authorCurriculum practiceMulticultural Curriculum Reformation
出刊日期 201603


本研究旨在職前教保員的課程中,融入幼兒多元文化教育的概念和議題,並透過課程實 踐提升學生的多元文化意識。本研究歷經兩個學期的研究,以研究者任教的幼保科四年級 70名學生爲研究參與者,研究者透過課程實踐,觀察師生對話與互動情形,並特別針對7位 學生進行深入訪談。 本研究設計四個階段的課程,課程主題爲:課程的文化基礎、新移民與多元文化課程、 幼兒多元文化教育與幼兒多元文化課程。本研究採取生命經驗探究、課堂對話、大眾文本、 議題中心、幼兒園試教等多元的教學策略,以達成理解新移民及其子女的處境,敏覺偏見和 減少刻板印象,認識幼兒多元文化教育的概念和設計幼兒多元文化課程等目標。 依據Kitano多元文化課程改造的建議,本研究討論課程方案的優點和限制。在課程改革 方式上,本研究省思課程融入概念的方式、課程議題的選擇,以及課程超載的問題。在課程 内容上,省思課程方案的目標和内容的選擇。在教學策略和教室動態上,省思發聲對學生的 增能、鼓勵不同聲音的呈現,和教師知識觀的調整。最後,依據課程行動和研究結果,提出 五項建議。


This study tries to promote pre-service childcarer,s multicultural consciousness through a multicultural curriculum. The research lasted for two semesters (thirty-six weeks). There were 70 students of the fourth grade major in early childhood care and education in a college participating in this study. The multicultural curriculum included four themes “cultural foundation of curriculum”, “immigrant women and multicultural curriculum”,“early childhood multicultural education” and “early childhood multicultural curriculum”. The course used multiple teaching strategies in order to achieve these purposes, including comprehending the situation of immigrant women and their children, examining and reducing their stereotype and prejudice, understanding the conceptions of early childhood multicultural education and designing early childhood multicultural curriculum. As suggested by multicultural curriculum reformation of Kitano, the research discuss the advantages and limitations of this curriculum. In curriculum reformation approach, the research reflect methods of integrating concepts into the curriculum, selecting the curriculum topics and problem of curriculum overloading. In curriculum contents, the research the objective of the curriculum programme and curriculum content selection. In the instructional strategies and classroom strategies, the research reflect empowering students through voice, encouraging various voices and adjusting the knowledge held by instructors. Finally, according to curriculum practice and research results, this study proposes five specific suggestions.
