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篇名 不同品種米類製作麻釋效果之研究
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Differences of Produce Mochi Use Various Rice
作者 田麗珠曾文燦
頁次 069-086
關鍵字 蓬莱米在來米圓糯米長糯米紫米Japonicar RiceIndica RiceRound Glutinous RiceLong Glutinous RicePurple Glutinous Rice
出刊日期 201603


本研究旨在比較以不同品種的米製作麻耀之差異性,本實驗選用蓬莱米、在來米、圓糯 米、長糯米、紫米、小米製做麻耀,其製作流程、時間與師傅相同。麻耀成品評量是以外觀、 硬度、扎實度、Q度、香味、喜歡程度爲評分標準,實驗結果發現使用蓬莱米製作麻耀軟硬 度與黏性適中、透亮、有彈性與有清香味的特質;使用長糯米製作麻耀的口感爲扎實度強、 乳白不透明、味道清香;圓糯米製作麻耀的口感其黏性濕黏且軟,有光澤味道較香;而紫米 麻耀較粗糙含雜質,小米麻耀的口感有輕微Q性、有特殊香味、有點光澤,有營養價値是最 健康的穀物。


This study was investigated to compare the difference with various of rice to make Mochi, Japonica rice, Indica rice, round glutinous rice, long glutinous rice, Purple glutinous rice, Small glutinous rice, by means of the same cook, the same process and time. The evaluation of the quality in Mochi about shape, soft, stickiness and luster. The results were to found using Japonica rice to produce Mochi that is moderate soft and hardness, luster and fragrance. Using Long glutinous rice, Mochi is strong sticky, white, non ——transparent and fragrant. Mochi is wet sticky, soft, and sweet with Round glutinous rice. With purple glutinous rice, Mochi are rough, containing impurities, including much more water, after being cooked, shape can not be fixed. Mochi has a special flavor, a little luster and soft, great nutritional value with Small glutinous rice——it is the most healthiest cereal.
