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篇名 客家俗諺中的羊意象及文化涵蘊
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Imagery and Cultural Implication of the Goat in Hakka Proverbs
作者 劉醇鑫
頁次 107-124
關鍵字 客家俗諺意象HakkaProverbsGoatImagery
出刊日期 201603


羊早在商周時期就已成爲人們豢養的六畜之一,不僅是人類的衣食之資,也是象徵吉祥 的靈物,甚至還將許多文化觀念投射在其身上,使其不只是自然的動物,同時也兼具獨特的 文化内涵和象徵意義。因此,本文擬就與羊有關的客家俗諺語中,探討人們對其所赋予的褒 貶意象及文化涵蘊。


Goats were one of the six types of livestock kept by humans for living purposes as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Not only did they serve as food and living material, but also as a mascot in Hakka culture. There are more cultural meanings cast on goats, making them animals as well as unique symbols. The purpose of this study is to identify the metaphorical concept embodied by goats in proverbs, and then find the distinguishing feature retained in Hakka proverbs.
