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篇名 李贄學道要訣
卷期 17
並列篇名 Tips in Practicing “Tao”一Li, Jih,s Life Philosophy
作者 陳清輝
頁次 151-171
關鍵字 學道念佛眞心專一Learning TaoReading Buddha’s TeachingsTrue HeartConcentration
出刊日期 201603


李贄一生可説是爲學道而生,爲行道而存,爲殉道而亡。道如經脈貫穿在其生命長河中, 爲其生活美學豐厚的思想底蘊,也是其後半生學習生活之指針。李贄的思想因道而深廣,也 因道而發出清美的精光,燭照世人。李贄研究者雖多,但有關其學道思想卻是鳳毛麟角,此 誠李贄研究之缺憾。因此本文乃就李贄學道之因缘、思想,融攝會織成學道要訣,即從學道 須即時,學道貴專一,學道求眞心,學道讀經典,學道無著相,學道好典範等方面,探其思 想,攝其精微,發其要訣,以微觀其學道之樹相,及宏觀其林相,呈現其學道思想之法要, 庶幾能補苴李贄研究之罅漏。


Throughout Li, Jih5s whole life, he lived on learning Tao (his unique life philosophy); practiced it and even died for it. This unique life philosophy flew through his life river, and added to the abundance of his living aesthetics. And it, then, became the goal for his later learning career. Li, Jih’s thought became deepened and widened due to his life philosophy; and because of his life philosophy he glorified his time until now with his radiant light. Although many scholars have studied him far and long, one thing is neglected about his pursuit in establishing his own life philosophy. After my further research, I do believe that without the knowledge of how he achieved his life philosophy, it would be a great defect in studying the great scholar. Therefore, the target of this essay is to discover his original cause and thoughts so as to weave into the principles in understanding his life philosophy. I summarized them into some tips. They are we have to practice the right way of life immediately after our recognizing of it. We have to concentrate all our minds on it, do it with our whole mind. We have to read the classic works; pay attention to the inside of objects instead of its appearance only. In addition to the points, we have to follow good examples, seek the truth from our true heart. As a result, when writing this paper I put emphasis on his deep thoughts--from the very beginning and trivial things to the whole aspect to aim at presenting his pursuing way and achievements. And I hope my hard job would favor the researchers foring more understanding him, and help to complete the study of his life philosophy.
