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篇名 佛教歷史上素食主義之出現與開展以臺灣與日本的現狀爲論述
卷期 18
並列篇名 The Origins and Development of Vegetarianism in the History of Buddhism - A Study Based on the Current Status of Taiwan and Japan
作者 涂美珠
頁次 015-038
關鍵字 全素素食主義托砵食Vegan Lactovegetarian DietBegging Bowl Meal
出刊日期 201609


佛教及一般宗教,對自身的修行者、信徒之衣物、飲食、醫藥品、住居皆有一定的規範, 佛教則制定「四依」爲出家生活規约,對出家者飲食的要求,筆者提出以下六點,做爲本文 主要的探討方,論述依據則以原始佛教爲主。以中國佛教爲主流之素食圈,其形成是根據北 傳佛教教義而確立。而臺灣佛教之素食推廣,是戰後從中國大陸傳入,隨著北傳佛教的經典 大量傳來,並依據其教義而確立,往往社會大眾一談論佛教,就會與素食畫上等號。本文探 討論證方針,從傳承原始佛教「不殺生思想」之北傳佛教,是如何開展出,試論認可素食之 經緯背景缘由。爲此,本文提出五點探討之。


There are some certain guiding principles on clothing, diet, medicine, and housing for the followers of Buddhist practice and other religious groups. Buddhism has “Four Guiding Principles” to regulate disciples5 lifestyle for forsaking the world. Based on the origin of Buddhism, this study seeks to explore the evolution of Taiwanese Buddhist vegetarianism. The discussion follows the mainstream Mahayana vegan (non-allium) diet in ancient China, which is generally related to issues connected with reincarnation. Dietary abstinence from meat was an ancient Chinese Buddhist tradition that has also gradually influenced people’s diet in Taiwan. When talking about Buddhism, people often associate it with vegetarianism. This paper will also explore people in Taiwan who take a lay Buddhist ordination of one to five vows, which prohibit killing any animal. These practices are usually interpreted to imply vegetarianism. Five research questions are as follows: 1. Why has the ethical doctrine of non-injury to living beings become vegetarianism culture in China? 2. Are there any connections among the vegan diet, the origin of Buddhist practice, and other religious groups? 3. Is it necessary to practice a vegan diet to practice Buddhism? 4. Is it true that being a vegan can help enhance a Buddhist’s wisdom? 5. Why is it important to promote a vegan diet?
