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篇名 社區參與之設計實踐一非典教學的積極英雄
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Community Activity with Designing Practices — Hero A Plus Project in Design Learning
作者 黃格崇
頁次 032-044
關鍵字 設計實踐學習發展社區活動設計教學設計傳達design practicelearning developmentcommunity activitydesign learningdesign communication
出刊日期 201611


設計是結合理論與實踐之學科。設計領域學習,往往從實務操作經驗裡,印 證專業理解能力。習作成果除了表達創意想法,同時也累積問題解決能力。設計 教育因此除了要有教的部分,還要能提供適當場域平台,讓學生習作體驗。從做 中學、在學中做理念下;營造實務學習的環境機會,成為現在老師新挑戰。本文 記述並探索分析,在基礎設計課程中,讓學生參與社區專案過程。研究發現顯示, 這樣教學合作模式,雖然添增些許老師與學生雙方壓力,隱藏有財力、物力、人 力資源、經營管理的負擔。但計劃產出,確也具體驗證學生學習成果。學生有了 實際工作舞台,社區得到建設改善之回饋。雙方互惠雙贏,是一種極具效力的轉 型發展。過程中激發出學生規劃實作能力的信心,更是額外收穫。活動期間大家 擁有豐富經歷,美好回憶之延伸影響,是轉化每個參與學生,成為真實世界的積 極英雄。


Design is a discipline that combines theory and practice. Often from an operating experience, design study confirms with professional understandings. In addition to resulting in creative ideas, design methodology play a big role in problem solving. Design education, therefore, needs to provide adequate opportunities that allow learners to practice in the field. Learning by doing, doing within learning; nowadays learning environment ideally should include the hand-on experiences for the student to engage in activities with real problem and dealing with read people in the field. This is a new challenge for design education programs. This paper reports the processes of the community development that invited 42 novice learners who participated in the "Hero A Plus” project. The findings of this study show that the collaboration project benefits both learners as well as the community. Although obstacles in financial programs, human resources and managements occurred along the development, the project outputs, however, warrants the specific students* learning outcomes. While students work in the field, their creative team work successfully promote the visibility and addresses the actual needs of the community. The win-win situation is a highly beneficial and transforms the participants from both sides. Students increase confidence level of their abilities in problem-solving when facing with a real challenge, while positive feedback from these experiences permeate through the team, encouraging the participated students to become a proactive hero in the real world.
