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篇名 海峽兩岸台資企業台籍幹部人格特質與工作適任能力之比較分析
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Personality Traits and Work Adaptability of Taiwanese Managers : Study of Cross-Straits Companies of Taiwan
作者 劉廷揚邱國城楊伯堯
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 海外派遣大陸台幹人格特質工作適任性ExpatriateTaiwanese Managers in Mainland ChinaPersonality TraitsWork Adaptability
出刊日期 201611


本研究以五大人格特質與海外工作適任能力做為研究變項,探討大陸與台灣 地區台籍經理人在其間是否存在差異,並比較兩個群體的迴歸預測模式是否相 同。本研究分別由大陸地區及台灣地區幹部發放問卷中回收173及153份有效問 卷。研究結果顯示:(1)兩岸台幹在五大人格特質並無顯著差異。(2)海峽兩岸 台幹族群的工作適任性都出現了顯著的差異性(P<0.05)。(3)以人格特質做為自 變項,工作適任能力為因變項,兩個群體的迴歸分析結果出現明顯差異,預測變 數亦有不同。(4 )外向性為兩岸台幹群體在三個工作適任能力的主要預測變數。(5 ) 大陸地區工作適任能力偏重勤勉正直特質,台灣地區則較偏重友善性特質。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between Taiwanese managers of cross-straits Taiwanese companies on personality traits and their work adaptability. Questionnaires were distributed to Taiwanese managers work for Taiwanese companies on both sides of Taiwan Straits. For those who work in Mainland China, 173 valid questionnaires returned while 153 valid ones were collected for those who work in Taiwan. The results are shown as below: 1. There is no significant difference between managers on both sides on Big-five personality; 2. There is a significant difference on work adaptability; 3. Significant differences were found on the relationship of personality traits and work adaptability; 4. Open to experience of Big-five traits can predict work adaptability better for managers of both sides of the Straits; 5. To predict work adaptability, except “open to experience” , Mainland area managers tend to emphasis on “consciousness” and Taiwan area managers tend to focus on “agreeableness.”
