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篇名 網路知識社群中知識分享行為權重之分析
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Analysis of the Weight of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Communities
作者 郭原昌
頁次 084-096
關鍵字 網路知識社群知識分享層級分析法Virtual CommunitiesKnowledge SharingAnalytic Hierarchy Process
出刊日期 201611


資訊科技的快速發展使得虛擬社會網路也逐漸普及與多樣化,在這個數位化 的時代裡,知識的轉移與分享,已不再是透過傳統的紙本或口耳相傳模式,而是 透過更多的科技媒介,尤其在倡導知識經濟的今天,知識的分享已成為一個很重 要的課題,能掌握其中的關鍵,就能掌握並加速知識的快速流動。 本研究以網路知識社群為研究對象,探討社群中的各種知識分享行為,利用 層級分析法(AHP),以群體協同評估的決策方式,分析社群中的知識分享活動並計 算各個行為的權重比,希望能提出一套完整的網路知識社群分享評估模式,建構 一個有效的網路知識社群運作模式,以做為促進知識分享與移轉之參考。 研究結果顯示,在網路社群知識分享行為中,非同步性的權重遠大於同步性 的權重。在各分項的細部分析中,「發表意見」是評估者認為最重要的分享行為, 其次是「回答問題」和「上傳檔案」。而「線上聊天」或「網路討論」則是被認為 較不重要的分享方式。


Due to the fast development of Information Technology, the social network connected through computer equipments has become more popular and varied. In the digital age, knowledge transfer is no longer only by writing and speaking, but also by technological medium. It is very important that we should hold the key to speed up the knowledge flow nowadays. This research is trying to understand the knowledge sharing behavior in any virtual communities of practice, and trying to analyze the weight of it by the method of “Analytic Hierarchy Process.” By doing so, in hope of building a reference model to accelerate the sharing of knowledge. The findings of this study show that asynchronous behaviors weight more heavier than synchronous behavior in a virtual communities of practice. In details, the research also points out “express opinion” is the most important sharing behavior,and “answer question” ranks the second spot,followed by “upload files”. On the other side,“chatting online” and “Net meeting” are considering the less important sharing behavior in a virtual communities of practice.
