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篇名 推動身心障礙福利機構邁向健康促進照護機構理論實踐一以新北市舂暉啟能中心為例
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 Toward Healthy Social Welfare Institution Initiatives for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study of Spring Sunshine Center for Intellectual Development in Taiwan
作者 吳佳玲林金定
頁次 222-235
關鍵字 身心障礙者身心障礙福利機構健康促進健康管理世界衛生組織健康促進醫院與照護機構認證Persons with disabilitydisability social welfare institutionhealth promotionhealth service managementWHO Health Promoting Hospital and Health Services
出刊日期 201609


身心障礙者其健康狀況相較於一般人明顯處於弱勢,若能在預防保健的層面 著手強化,將可預防其因慢性疾病而發生二次殘疾,提升其生活品質。現代化的 健康理念不再單單只藉由個人知識和技能的提升,以達到健康為目標之狹隘概念, 而是透過建立健康的公共政策、創造健康的支持性環境、強化社區的行動及強化 個人健康技能,由健康促進的角度重整健康服務體系,並且推動以健康為達到提 昇生活品質的主要方式來努力。春暉啟能中心在2002年開始著手健康促進推動工 作,並於2007年建構系統性的「健康機構營造」計畫,籌備並成立「健康促進推 動委員會」,針對員工進行「健康促進概念討論」、在家長會進行機構健康促進觀 念說明及溝通、制定春暉啟能中心的健康管理手冊,並著手蒐集並分析春暉學員 與員工的健康基本資料,據以擇定年度介入的健康促進方案。歷年來健康營造在 春暉所做的工作,以及介入的健康方案包括:健康資料之彙整與分析、就醫與用 藥管理、營養衛教、口腔保健、運動體能、復健職能治療、健康老化方案等,2016 年並推動全面健康促進提昇計畫,透過臺灣健康醫院學會認證,為國内第一家正 式加入「世界衛生組織健康促進醫院與照護機構網絡會員」的身心障礙福利機構。 我們期盼透過健康促進機構的認證能有系統的檢視機構健康管理與健康促進計畫, 建構一個支持性的身心障礙福利機構健康環境,以提升身心障礙者與員工的健 康。


The health problems and care services for the disabled are important public health issues in the society. This paper aims to provide an overview of health promotion initiative based on a disability social welfare institution - Spring Sunshine Center for Intellectual Development (SSCID) in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The SSCID launched a health promotion committee in institution to organize health issues for persons with intellectual disabilities in 2007, and conducted a series of health promotion initiatives such as institutional health profile analyses, annual health check-up, polypharmacy evaluation, weight management, physical activity, oral health, rehabilitation, health aging planning. In 2016, the SSCID launched a programme - Health Promoting Hospital and Health Services Accreditation System which regulated by World Health Organization. We try to initiate a comprehensive health promotion and health management programme to provide a supportive health environment for people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers who working in institutions, to increase their health.
