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篇名 護理教育在護理專業發展中的角色
卷期 64:1
並列篇名 The Role of Nursing Education in the Advancement of the Nursing Profession
作者 張媚
頁次 005-010
關鍵字 護理教育護理專業發展護理學士教育nursing educationthe advancement of nursing professionbaccalaureate education in nursingMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.6224/JN.000002


本文主要從知識的三個面向:產出、傳承及應用,討論護理教育在護理專業發展中的角色。護理是應用科學,知識在實務上的應用是護理專業終極的目的。健康照護模式的轉變,需要護理人員具有實證基礎的臨床知識、批判性思考、能有效溝通、與團隊協同合作的能力,以確保照護品質及病人安全,因此,學士教育成為護理養成教育的最低門檻。護理學校有責任培育有能力的護理人員,以回應健康照護體系對護理工作人力的需求。護理碩士教育培育進階臨床實務護理師(Advanced Practice Registered Nurse),將進一步擴展護理專業在臨床實務中的角色及功能,以提升臨床照護品質。高等教育機構的護理師資及學者透過研究,創新護理知識及發展專業學術。護理博士教育培育師資及學者,在未來繼續創新及傳承護理知識。


The present article discusses the role of nursing education in the advancement of the nursing profession in the context of the three facets of knowledge: generation, dissemination, and application. Nursing is an applied science and the application of knowledge in practice is the ultimate goal of the nursing profession. The reform of the healthcare delivery model requires that nurses acquire and utilize evidence-based clinical knowledge, critical thinking, effective communication, and team collaboration skills in order to ensure the quality of patient care and safety. Therefore, baccalaureate education has become the minimal requirement for pre-licensure nursing education. Schools of nursing are responsible to cultivate competent nurses to respond to the demands on the nursing workforce from the healthcare system. Attaining a master’s education in nursing helps cultivate Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) to further expand the roles and functions of the nursing profession in order to promote the quality of care in clinical practice. Nursing faculty and scholars of higher education institutions generate nursing knowledge and develop professional scholarship through research. Attaining a doctoral education in nursing cultivates faculties and scholars who will continually generate and disseminate nursing knowledge into the future.
