
護理雜誌 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 護病比與護理費給付連動制度之規劃構想
卷期 64:1
並列篇名 Concept for Planning the Nurse-Patient Ratio and Nursing Fee Payment Linkage System
作者 盧美秀曾修儀梁淑媛林秋芬
頁次 017-024
關鍵字 護病比護理費給付連動nurse-patient rationursing feepayment linkageMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.6224/JN.000004




This article describes the current situation in Taiwan with regard to the nurse-patient ratio and nursing fee payments, reviews the related policies and results in developed countries, and then proposes a plan for improving the domestic situation. Direct relationships exist between patient nursing quality and patient safety and the nurse-patient ratio as well as between nursing fee payments and the nursepatient ratio. Therefore, in order to enhance the quality and safety of nursing care, it will be necessary to develop and institute a payment linkage system that links nursing fee payments to the nurse-patient ratio. This process requires public consensus and planning in order to institute an equitable and effective payment linkage system in the future.
