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篇名 糖尿病病人自我照護行為及相關因素研究
卷期 64:1
並列篇名 A Study on Self-Care Behaviors and Related Factors in Diabetes Patients
作者 黃喬欣林碧珠張媚李碧霞
頁次 061-069
關鍵字 健康信念模式糖尿病自我照護行為糖尿病共同照護網health belief modeldiabetesself-care behaviordiabetes shared care networkMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.6224/JN.000009


糖尿病自我照護行為是糖尿病醫療照護中最重要的一環,然而,糖尿病共同照護網之糖尿病病人執 行自我照護行為的研究却很少見。



糖尿病自我照護行為的得分百分比為62.93%,其中以藥物行為最好、血糖監測行為最差。糖尿病健 康信念以行動利益性認知得分最高、行動障礙性認知得分最低。藥物治療方式、加入糖尿病共同照 護網時間、糖尿病行動線索、年齡及糖尿病自我效能,是影響糖尿病自我照護行為的重要因素,解 釋變異量為20.2 %。

結 論/ 實務應用


Background: The self-care behaviors of patients with diabetes represent the most important part of diabetic healthcare. However, few studies have investigated the self-care behaviors of diabetes patients in the context of diabetes shared care networks. Purpose: The present study applied a health belief model to determine the self-care behaviors of diabetes patients and the related factors affecting those behaviors. Methods: A cross-sectional approach and convenience sampling were employed. A questionnaire survey was completed by 165 patients with type 2 diabetes in a diabetes shared care network of a teaching hospital in Yilan County, Taiwan. The questionnaire comprised scales including knowledge, health beliefs, cues to action, self-efficacy, and self-care behavior for diabetes. The collected data were analyzed using the Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results: The percentage of accomplishment of diabetes self-care behavior was 62.93%, with taking medication achieving the highest rate of compliance and monitoring blood sugar achieving the lowest rate of compliance. On the diabetes health belief scale, the perceived benefits of taking action scored the highest and the perceived barriers to taking action scored the lowest. Medical treatment, duration of joining the diabetes shared care network, cues to action, age, and self-efficacy were the most important factors of influence in self-care behavior, accounting for 20.2% of total variance. Conclusion / Implications for Practice: Diabetes health educators should pay attention to factors that affect the self-care behaviors of patients receiving diabetes shared care. The results of the present study provide healthcare professionals with information that may be used to develop better healthcare and suggests further research on diabetes interventions.
