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篇名 畢業生就業現況與學用配合分析-以國立高雄海洋科技大學運籌管理系為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 Employment Situation and Application of Graduates from the Department of Logistics Management, NKMU
作者 李穎王文慧羅伊吏黃立璁鄧文豪李季蓉吳敏綺莊淑媚
頁次 049-068
關鍵字 課程規劃運籌管理大學畢業生學用配合就業Curriculum PlanningLogistics ManagementGraduatesApplicationEmployment
出刊日期 201603




This research uses questionnaire investigation to survey the employment situation and application of graduates from the Department of Logistics Management, National Kaohsiung Marine University. 36 respondents’ data were appropriated for analysis. Statistical analysis was applied to compare the employment situations of graduates, the graduates’ capabilities learned and trained from the courses and the applicability of courses for works. In the graduates’ opinion, the ability of project planning and project management which are learned and trained from the courses can be highly applied to work. In the graduates’ opinions, the knowledge learned from the courses of “Purchasing management”, “Inventory management”, “Cost management”, “Enterprise Resource Planning” and “English” can be highly applied to work. The investigate results indicates that the experience of practical training and certificates are helpful to understand the professional knowledge and apply the job.
