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篇名 神聖與凡俗-試論龍的民間傳說故事
卷期 30
並列篇名 The sacred and ordinary:Trying to discuss about legends of the Dragon in folktale.
作者 陳麗娜
頁次 097-109
關鍵字 民間傳說民間故事DragonLengendsFolktale
出刊日期 201603




The folktale is present from folk culture. What kind of story was produced in what kind of culture. The Dragon is the lofty position and even is a symbol of emperor's right in the hearts of Chinese people. Trying to discuss about popular lengends of dragon in the folk. They were plenty of spreading of original symbol ideas and plenty of the display of people's imagination. The long-term history and ancient thought of Chinese dragon culture was presented the sacred and ordinary face in the lengends and folktale, and was made a show of long and far vitality in the commons.
