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篇名 利用IRT模式探討99~103年大一新生英文能力-以國立高雄海洋科技大學為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 Using IRT Model to Evaluate the Performance of English Placement Test of National Kaohshiung Marine University students From 2010 to 2014
作者 蔡佩圜
頁次 110-129
關鍵字 加權概似估計法單參數對數模型最大概似估計法試題反應理論Item Response TheoryMarginal Maximum LikelihoodOne-Parameter Logistic ModelWeighted Likelihood Estimation
出刊日期 201603




The purpose of this paper is to use Item Response Theory (IRT) to develop a scaled score gained from years of English Placement Test (EPT) of National Kaoshiung Marine University (NKMU) students. The proposed IRT considers both strictness and convenience of conducting a fair and more reasonable method to calculate the performance of EPT for NKMU students. In this research, data are built up based on IRT single-parameter logarithm model and item parameter estimate is acquired by Marginal Maximum Likelihood (MML) method. In consequence, by mean of EM algorithm we achieve an outcome which demonstrates the performance of EPT test takers calculated by Weighted-Likelihood-Estimation (WLE). In a result, 2011 freshmen have the best performance in EPT while there are notable decline trend afterward. Besides, among colleges Management College comes in the first place, Marine Engineering College in the second, Ocean Engineering College in the third and Hydrosphere Science College in the last place. Furthermore, we obtain consistent output values (0.793 ~ 0.869) of parameters from each EPT test, which shows EPT held by the Foreign Language Center in NKMU each year can affirmatively provide stable and reliable function. Moreover, with IRT mode, the variation of testers’ English capability can be clearly described and tracked through its accurate, effective assessment and scaling process. Consequently, teaching materials and skills can be precisely chosen for improving their English capability.
