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篇名 論海洋戲曲在通識教學上的教案設計
卷期 30
並列篇名 On the Lesson Plan Design of Chinese Opera with Ocean Backgrounds for General Education
作者 余蕙靜
頁次 130-152
關鍵字 海洋戲曲通識課程課程設計戲曲教學Chinese Opera with Ocean BackgroundsGeneral EducationLesson Plan DesignTeaching of Chinese Opera
出刊日期 201603




As the innovative development of modern technology and the never-ending progress of media industries, the use of internet is interwoven with every aspect of our life. Through the power of media industries and internet, visual transmission, especially drama, has been a vital part of our daily life for so long. Drama consists of collected life wisdom and is usually a presentation of customs and thinking patterns of people of a certain time and place. A further analysis of drama will help us not only understand the changes and growths of our ancestors, but also explore the progressive process of artistic development. This article will mainly discuss the lesson plan design of Chinese Opera with ocean backgrounds for General Education Curriculum. It will provide a way to integrate the characteristics of National Kaohsiung Marine University into course contents when doing guided readings of drama scripts and film analysis. With the help of teaching assistants, small group discussions and teamwork presentations, students could learn some behavioral guidelines from traditional Chinese Opera and improve their characters along the way, which will help them live harmoniously in society in the future. Furthermore, these art appreciation activities will heighten the taste and artistic percipient of students as well.
