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篇名 臺南監獄教化活動之演變
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Development of Rehabilitation in Tainan Prison
作者 謝東銘
頁次 061-083
關鍵字 刑罰政策教育刑處遇教化活動Penal PolicyEducational PenaltyTreatmentRehabilitation
出刊日期 201701


臺灣獄政發展,行刑觀念即崇尚教化。今日,歐美獄政思潮制度對臺灣刑 罰政策之影響仍係以教育刑思潮為主。臺灣監獄行刑法第1條即開宗明義規定: 「徒刑、拘役之執行,以使受刑人改悔向上,適於社會生活為目的。」,可見 教育刑思潮仍為國內當前主流的矯治哲學。然而,近代世界以人權為重的主流 思想也大力影響獄政教化活動的方向與內涵,隨著對人權的重視,一般社會大 眾愈來愈注重工作和休閒的平衡,在教化上也有結合併休閒教育與職業教育的 趨勢。 本研究將以法務部矯正署臺南監獄為研究對象,透過歷史社會學考證、歸 納、分析的研究方法,探討臺南監獄自日治以來的教化活動,如何從早期偏向 應報、監禁、隔離的懲罰模式,演變至近代強調教育與重生的矯治模式,期盼 為臺南監獄教化活動發展出較符合受刑人真實生活需要,而走向教育化、多元 化之過程留下歷史的見證。


The development of prison system in Taiwan corresponds to the idea of rehabilitation. Likewise, the emphasis of European and American penal policies are now on educational penalty. Enforcement Rules of the Prison Serving Act proclaims in its first article that “the enforcement of imprisonment is to promote the inmates adjustment to society so as to prevent the commission of offences during the term of sentence.” Accordingly, rehabilitation is regarded as the mainstream of the philosophy of corrections in Taiwan. To the day, with the common concern of human rights, work-life balance is promoted. Under these circumstances, the rehabilitation strategies transform and involve in leisure and vocational education. Tainan Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice is the research subject. It employs archival research, inductive reasoning, and analysis so as to discover the rehabilitative activities in Tainan Prison since the period of Japan rule, and find how the punishment modes such as retribution, imprisonment or isolation turned out to be an education-oriented rehabilitation model in the last decades, to leave the developing records of rehabilitation in Tainan Prison.
