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篇名 無犯罪監獄戒毒課程之成效研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Efficacy Study ofthe CRIMINON Substance Abuse Inmate Program in Taiwan
作者 林明傑陳建霖李宗惠
頁次 084-122
關鍵字 戒毒方案自我概念自我控制自我效能drug abuse treatment programself conceptself controlself efficacy
出刊日期 201701


數十年來毒品犯罪率居高不下且再犯率甚高,找到有效降低再犯率之監獄 戒毒方案甚為迫切。第一作者有機會聽聞無犯罪(Criminon)監獄戒毒方案成 效佳且有獨特之小組學習,因而想進一步了解並評估成效。本研究以某台灣南 部監獄14位毒品受刑人為實驗組,另以同監獄背景相仿者為對照組,並以李 俊珍(2004)在某監獄戒毒方案所用之田納西自我概念量表(6個分量表)、 戒毒自我控制量表(3個分量表)、與戒治自我效能量表(3個分量表)二量表 為對照及測量工具,其共十二個分量表為前後測之對照變項。研究發現在共變 數分析上,自我控制之評估行動即承擔意願、內在控制分量表在實驗組與對照 組比對下,前後測分數達顯著差異。自我效能之三個分量表雖皆將達而未達前 後測顯著差異,但總分有達顯著差異。而田納西自我概念量表則於生理自我、 道德自我、心理自我、社會自我達顯著差異,其中以社會自我概念差異進步最 大。李俊珍(2004)之研究只有一項田納西自我概念之學業/工作自我分量表 達顯著差異。本研究發現無犯罪方案在提升犯罪人之自我概念之總分與自我控 制上確有其功效,最後提出未來課程與研究之建議。


Report numbers of substance abuse (SA) crime and its recidivism rate have been high during the past decades, and it is crucial to find a better efficacy program for prisoner to keep abstinence. The first author had a chance to learn that the Criminon program has a special program, small-group cooperative learning, which deserved to explore its effectiveness. Fourteen SA inmates were voluntarily recruited for treatment and same number of counterparts as the control group. Three scales, Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (6 subscales), Control Concept Scale (3 subscales), and Self Efficacy Scale (3 subscales), used in Lee (2004) for assessing the progress of one prison SA program were also used to assess in this study for comparison purpose. It was found that there were six subscales among 12 subscales in the three scales significant difference by using covariance analysis. Among subscales of Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, biology self, moral self, psychology self, and social self reach significance. Among control concept scale, the commitment willingness reaches significance. Three subscales in self efficacy almost reach significance but do not, even though the total of self efficacy reaches. Compared to one subscale reached significance in Lee (2004), the Criminon had higher efficacy. The suggestion for the future program and study also submitted in the end.
