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篇名 作業及技能訓練計畫與收容人出監就業之關聯性研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Investigating the Relationship between Inmatesf Work and Training Programs and Employment after Release from Prison
作者 周冠于
頁次 123-151
關鍵字 就業力勞動市場前科紀錄作業與技能訓練employabilitylabor marketcriminal recordwork and skill training
出刊日期 201701


隨著時代變遷,矯正機關的作業與技訓制度逐漸受到外界的重視與檢視, 而此制度受到許多面向的影響,包括外部機制以及內部機制,前者包括勞動力 市場的分析、可用性及需求;後者則為收容人本身的學經歷、身心狀況及生活 背景。為協助收容人順利復歸,英國矯正服務部門除參照制定的職訓計畫以外, 同時善用地方資源,與第三部門的協同合作,以提升犯罪人的就業力。然而, 監獄除了傳統的嚇阻、報復、監禁、復歸、修復、重整以外,最重要的因子還 是讓他們出監後能有穩定且持續的正常生活。透過充沛的社會福利資源以及焦 點式的後續評估機制,始能真正幫助這些社會邊緣人重生。本研究以下列方式 檢視收容人作業與技能訓練和就業之間的相關性:1.經由文獻探討了解各國如 何協助收容人獲取高價值的技能;2.以質性訪談以及次級資料蒐集分析來了解 服務於蘇格蘭愛丁堡監獄的矯正人員對於收容人的需求分析,並探究臺灣等國 家研究發現的收容人復歸因子,歸納當代勞動力市場的特色與需求;3.根據面 訪與資料分析的結果,研議未來矯正機關的職訓計畫有所助益的因子,並檢討 現今的矯正政策,重新發揮最大價值。 鑒於各國普遍皆有失業率的社會問題存在,特別是有犯罪前科以及服刑經 驗的收容人而言,希藉此研究來針對收容人的謀生能力以及出監後的就業力之 間的關係進行探討並予以反思,進而穩定且持續地促進他們職涯發展。


Along with the change in times, the work and operation system in corrections has been interested and examined by the public, which is influenced from a variety of facets, including external and internal mechanism. In detail, the former include labor market’s analysis, practicality and need and the latter are inmates themselves’ education and work, mental and physical health and living background. To assist prisoners rehabilitate thoroughly, except taking official occupation training project into consideration, UK Prison Service has taken advantage of local governmental resource and the third department for multi-cooperation and enhances this vulnerable group’s employability. However, as we know that the traditional roles of prison are deterrence, retribution, incapacitation, rehabilitation, reintegration and restoration, while the most important element to prevent crime is to make prisoner live normally and steadily. With abundant social welfare resources and focused-contingency evaluation mechanism, these borders should renew their lives prospectively. This study will discuss the relations between inmates5 work and skill training and employability. First, by reviewing literatures and empirical studies across countries, we can realize the better methods to help inmates to acquire high-quality skills. This study applies semi-structured interview and secondary data collection to understand Scottish correctional officers’ opinions about inmates of Edinburgh Prison in Scottish and figure out the rehabilitation element to comply with modem labour market’s features and needs. Lastly, by analysing the data, the study shows that the better policy for improve prisoners’ employability are design more diverse and practical prison-based programs to reintegrating prisoners to better lives. The unemployed difficulty is existed across countries, especially for people who have criminal record and imprisoned. Therefore, I hope this research could offer some experiences and thoughts for people to rethink the relation between inmates5 living ability building and future employability, and lead them to a new pathway steadily and consistently.
