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篇名 法務部矯正署高雄第二監獄實施藥 癮酒癮戒治醫療服務計畫經驗分享
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Experience of Sharing-Rehabilitation and Medical Service Plan for Drug Abuser and Alcohol Abuser Carried out at the Kaohsiung Second Prison, Department of Corrections
作者 蔡美娟
頁次 152-184
關鍵字 收容人成癮醫療治療inmateaddictionmedical treatment
出刊日期 201701


根據法務部的統計資料顯示,103年、104年經檢察官指揮入監服刑之新 入監收容人,前五大罪名中第一名及第二名分屬公共危險罪及毒品防制條例罪 者,兩者合計分佔全國矯正機關新收收容人57.73%及58.91%。另就前科紀 錄來看,103年毒品罪有前科比率90.2%、公共危險罪80.2% ; 104年毒品罪 有前科比率91.3°/。、公共危險罪81.3°/。,可以推斷此兩種罪質個案再犯風險 極高。 在犯罪學的討論上,酒精與毒品的使用被稱作是一種「無被害者犯罪」, 然而倘無給予適當的戒癮處遇,成癮習慣將無法戒除,然於醫學上將成癮個案 視為病人,建議成癮性個案應給予醫療治療輔以社會支持與心理輔導,鑑於機 構內是類個案不斷增加而專業人員明顯不足,衛生福利部於103年開始鼓勵醫 療機構進入矯正機關提供該類收容人戒癮醫療服務,高雄第二監獄為此類矯正 機關之一,計畫實施一年多來提供些許建議,希望作為政策修訂參酌。


According to the Statistics of Ministry of Justice, it shows that the Public Danger Crime and the Drug Abuse Crime are ranked top 1 and top 2 of all new prison inmates in2014 and 2015,57.73 percent and 58.91 percent, respectively. Statistics based on criminal history records, recommitted Drug Abuse Crime rate is 90.2%, 80.2% for the recommitted Public Danger Crime in 2014; in the year 2015 , the recommitted Drug Abuse Crime rate is 91.3%, and 81.3% for Public Danger Crime .We can conclude that the recidivism risk for these two crimes is every high , based on the qualitative of these two crimes. In the discussion of criminology, alcohol and drug abuse are referred to as a “non-victims of crime,” but if not given proper corrective addiction care at the event, they will not be able to get rid of the habit of addiction. However, the addiction cases in general medicine are regarded as the ''patients” . Therefore, it is recommended that addiction cases should be given medical treatment along with social support and counseling. In view of the Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, the addiction cases are increasing but professionals for addiction care are obviously insufficient. The Ministry of Health and Welfare began to encourage medical institutions to enter the prisons and to provide the corrective addiction care for the inmates. Kaohsiung Second Prison, Agency of Corrections, is one of the corrective prisons offering such service. The plan for corrective service in Kaohsiung Second Prison, Agency of Corrections, has been implemented for more than a year. Hope suggestions made can be served as the light of the revised policy in the future.
