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篇名 技術輸出與保護法制研析-以新加坡、印度、香港特別行政區、中國大陸為例
卷期 28:8
並列篇名 High-technology Export Control of Singapore, India, HKSAR, and China's Export Regulations
作者 陳宏志
頁次 030-050
關鍵字 高科技出口管制技術輸出科技專案研發成果High-technology Export ControlExport RegulationsDevelopment ProgramsR&D Findings
出刊日期 201608


現代世界各國面臨激烈之競爭,其中產業技術的良窳較過往更具關鍵地位。因此,各國政府為確保經濟發展並維持產業競爭力,一來需要不斷投入資源鼓勵創新研發,故須推動相關政策措施;再則需因應產業全球化及國際市場競爭之趨勢,除一般之貿易出口管制外,針對政府投入相當資源研發之相關技術輸出如何進行必要之管理,以有效提升國內產業競爭能量,並兼顧全球策略佈局之需要,亦為需要關注的重點。 本研究將先以我國經濟部科技專案研發成果規範為主,針對研發成果產出後,如涉技術 輸出,其現行管理方式為何。另因已有諸多文獻探討美國、日本、歐盟規範,本研究將以鄰 近我國之重要國家或地區為主,如由新加坡、印度兩國出發,探討其政府補助之研發成果倘 涉技術輸出,既有管理規範為何予以整理。此外,有鑑於香港、中國大陸與我國產業發展關 係密切,其科研成果運用規範亦將一併納入研究範圍。期藉由對新加坡、印度、香港及中國 大陸等4國之技術輸出與保護法制進行研析,俾利瞭解相關國家規範要項,以作為我國未來精 進研發成果運用政策之參考。


As well as the issue of the resource allocation and how it impacts the trend of industrial development in Taiwan, Government decided the policy with the aids of experts such as industrial professionals, economists and consultants. And the Government's grant for science and technology R&D programs, except for the part of tasks executed by resource allocators, would be mostly launched by the applicants submitting the proposals which were then authorized. In this study, we were investigative for the high-technology export control of MOEA's Development Programs' R&D findings in Taiwan. For comparison, we also analyzed the export regulations of the main Asian country or region, such as Singapore, India, HKSAR and China to discuss the results of research and development involving government grants. In Taiwan, the R&D findings' high-technology export was on control. However, the most Development Programs' R&D findings should fit the national technology development, potential strengths and industrial demands. These policies should be concerned not only for orientating the future direction but also for the international applications of development in technology and industry. Concerning balance of international applications of R&D findings and national export controls, the research of high-technology export control with Singapore, India, HKSAR and China's export regulations maybe show one of the proper solutions for Taiwan.
