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篇名 明中葉孔廟祀典嬗變的理論基礎:程敏政的〈奏考正祀典〉及與張璁孔廟改制觀的異同
卷期 47:1
並列篇名 Confucian Temple Reform in the Mid-Ming: A Study of the Theoretical Positions Advanced by Cheng Minzheng and Zhang Cong
作者 何威萱
頁次 045-084
關鍵字 程敏政張璁孔廟從祀大禮議Cheng MinzhengZhang CongConfucian temple canonizationthe Great Ritual ControversyTHCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.6503/THJCS.2017.47(1).02


嘉靖九年 (1530),明世宗與首輔張璁 (1475-1539) 大舉改革孔廟祀典,影響後世甚 鉅。但事實上這些內容非全為張璁創發,重議從祀名單及添設啟聖祠二項實於弘治元年 (1488) 已由程敏政 (1445-1499) 提出,張璁僅是援引、貫徹之。由於明初以來類似議案 並不罕見,張璁何以於眾論中獨取程氏畫定之藍圖便值得探究,程敏政的意見、及其與 張璁目的之異同更有必要深加研析。 本文前半深入考察程敏政〈奏考正祀典〉一疏,後半則比較程、張二人目的之異 同,指出程疏的論述與規劃主要仍以學術之是非為出發點,無明顯的政治針對性;張璁 則以完善大禮議後續情勢為考量,冀藉此鞏固左順門事件後取得之相關成果。是以張璁 雖實現程敏政之心血,然所踐履者徒其形跡,程氏之心術或有未竟焉者。


In 1530, Prime Minister Zhang Cong 張璁 (1475-1539) implemented several innovations regarding the forms and systems used in the Confucian temple (kongmiao 孔廟). However, many of these ideas had earlier been proposed by Cheng Minzheng 程敏政 (1445-1499) in 1488. At that time, Cheng suggested that the canonization list in the Confucian temple needed to be revised, and that the Qisheng Temple had to be expanded. Since Zhang Cong later chose to execute Cheng’s proposals, it is necessary to investigate meticulously the memorial where Cheng advanced the blueprint for these reforms, and to delineate the differences between the two men’s aims. This article demonstrates that, unlike the political calculations that informed Zhang’s position, Cheng’s views were mainly based in his classical scholarship.
