
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 威權環境主義流域治理之機制與限制:以中國昆明河長制度為
卷期 59:4
並列篇名 Authoritarian Environmentalism and River Leader System in Kunming, China
作者 簡旭伸
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 水污染河長制威權環境主義昆明滇池water pollutionRiver Leader Systemauthoritarian environmentalismKunmingDian LakeTSSCI
出刊日期 201612




Since 1978, China has witnessed rapid urbanization and economic development at the cost of environmental degradation. In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)initiated the river leader system, through which local leading cadres are assigned to be responsible for water quality of certain rivers. In this system, results of river quality control are connected to cadres’ political promotion. I argue that the river leader system presents certain characteristics of authoritarian environmentalism under CCP, including(1)hierarchical operation through subcontracting performance, (2)inter-jurisdiction competition motivating local leaders, and(3)quotaoriented territorial management. The case of river leader for Dian Lake, Kunming of Yunnan province, is empirically examined to discuss detailed mechanisms and effectiveness of the river leaders system. Along with the improved water quality of Dian Lake is a forced displacement and production of alleged land-related corruption. I conclude that the river leader system in China may enhance better environment for the short term at the expense of social and political unsustainability in the long run.
