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篇名 未成年者的性與禁閉矯正道德/立法下的生命政治
卷期 102
並列篇名 Confined Underage Sex in Correctional Institutions The Bio-politics of Moralistic Legislation
作者 許雅斐
頁次 041-074
關鍵字 禁閉無國家者兒少保護矯正機構通報系統犯罪控制confinementthe statelesschild protectioncorrectional institutionthe reporting systemcrime controlTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201603




This article uses the concepts of Foucauldian “confinement” and Butler’s “the stateless” to study the advances of crime control on underage sex, in accompaniment of the image of innocent childhood. Toward the end of the 1980s, with an increasing interest in the sexual politics associated with child prostitutes, reforming child protection provisions pertaining to underage sex was pushed to the top of Taiwan’s political agenda. With this reformation monitored and managed by middle-class women’s groups, the criminal and juvenile justice systems came to severely regulate sexual behavior, targeting the “confinement” of the underprivileged in correctional institutions and demanding a return to sexual morality. However, it has been seldom discussed why front-end and back-end processes have been amalgamated into one integrated crime control policy. By analyzing the Hakka cultural prototype, the campus reporting system, and the management of everyday life in Taiwan‘s correctional institutions, I will argue that these systems aim to ensure that no young homosexuals and other sexual minorities will have any future prospects.
