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篇名 述情困難與身體抱怨的關聯—以負向情緒調節爲中介之研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Mediating Effect of Negative Emotion Regulation on the Association between Alexithymia and Somatic Symptams
作者 梁溫潔陳畹蘭姜元御
頁次 073-099
關鍵字 述情困難身體抱怨正負向情緒情緒調節alexithymiaemotion regulationpositive and negative emotionphysical complaints
出刊日期 201508


研究目的:述情困難是指個體對於感覺的辨識以及描述有困 難,且在思考模式上傾向具體且外化形式,此種現象常見於身體 型疾患患者。文獻指出,述情困難與身體抱怨的關聯性受個體的 情緒經驗影響,然而,目前的述情困難實證研究缺少同時將情緒 調節、正負向情緒和身體抱怨同時納入考量的整合模式。故此, 本研究撿視述情困難程度、情緒調節策略、正負向情緒以及身體 抱怨的關聯,並同時檢驗正負向情緒是否中介述情困難和身體抱 怨間的關係。研究方法:本研究招募包含北、中、以及東部473 名大學生參與研究。研究工具包含基本資料、述情困難量表、正 負向情緒量表、情緒調節量表以及身體抱怨量表。資料分析以結 構方程模式進行研究模型的驗證。研究結果:研究發現男性以壓 抑調節自身情緒高於女性,而在身體抱怨上女性則顯著高於男 性。述情困難程度高的個體較常壓抑情緒、探取比較少的認知再 評估、有較多的負向情緒和較少的正向情緒。述情困難透過對情 緒的壓抑和負向情緒影響身體抱怨。研究討論:在介入方案建議 增加情緒認知及覺察的介入,並透過多元的情緒調節技巧協助個 體減少負向情緒。


Purpose : Alexithymia is a psychological disorder characterized by an inability to describe and identify feelings. Individuals with alexithymic traits tend to think in concrete and externalized ways. Studies indicated that individuals with psychosomatic problems reported higher alexithymic scores than prople without the problems. Recent findings revealed that emotion may play important roles in the relationship between alexithymia and somatic complaints. Although many studies have found that emotions were related to physical complaints in high alexithymic individuals, very limited studies examined both emotion and emotion regulation simultaneously in relation to alexithymia and somatic complaints. The purpose of the current research is to explore how emotion regulation influences the relationships between alexithymia and somatic complaints. Method: The sample was composed of 473 students from several universities in northern, central and eastern Taiwan. After signing informed consent, participants were given a pack of questionnaires, including AS-20, PANAS, ERQ,and somatic complaints scale. Statistical analyses involved structural equation modeling to assess the relationships between alexithymia and somatic complaints. Results: The results revealed that male participants used suppression more often than females, whereas females report more somatic complaints than males. Results also indicated that individuals high in alexithymia are more likely to suppress their emotion instead of reappraising their situations, therefore they tend to experience more negative emotion and less positive emotion. Furthermore, as hypothesized, emotion regulation and negative emotion mediated the effects between alexithymia and physical complaints. Conclusions: These results were discussed in the context of their clinical implication and future research direction.
