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篇名 Cardiac Papillary Fibroelastoma in a Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis: A Case Report
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 糖尿病酮酸中毒合併心臟乳突纖維彈性瘤一病例報告
作者 徐惠娟曹心怡侯紹敏謝書維楊宇佳
頁次 041-046
關鍵字 Papillary fibroelastomaDiabetic ketoacidosisCerebral infarctionMyocardial infarctionScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201702
DOI 10.6314/JIMT.2017.28(1).07


乳突纖維彈性瘤是罕見的疾病,雖屬於良性原發性心臟腫瘤,但它的併發症可能潛藏致 命風險。我們分享一個案例起初診斷糖尿病酮酸中毒,核磁共振確認腦部出現小血管阻塞, 次日發現非ST 波段上升心肌梗塞存在,心臟超音波顯示心肌收縮正常,但在主動脈辦上看到 一個有梗腫塊,大小為一公分。考慮這腫瘤應病人中風與心肌梗塞的元兇,且間接引起糖尿 病失控。於是安排手術切除。病理組織證實為乳突纖維彈性瘤,病人手術癒後良好。


cPapillary fibroelastoma, a benign primary cardiac tumor, has potentially life-threatening complications. We report a patient with an initial diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis. Magnetic resonance imaging of brain showed a recent infarct at right temporal lobe. Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) was noted on hospital day 2. Echocardiography revealed normal wall motion and a 1-cm pedunculated mass at the aortic valve without aortic regurgitation. The tumor was thought to be responsible for cerebral infarction and NSTEMI that accelerated diabetic decompensation. The patient underwent surgical excision, and the histological feature was consistent with a papillary fibroelastoma. (J Intern Med Taiwan 2017; 28: 41-46)
