
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 街頭市集餐飲供應物流作業模型
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Logistics Model of Food Vending in Street Market
作者 莊懿妃黃旭男黃怡瑄
頁次 004-027
關鍵字 合作協同合作夜市物流廢棄物物流cooperationcollaborationnight marketlogisticswaste logisticsTSSCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/199582342017031901001


夜市是台灣向外籍遁害推展觀光的男 點,也是國人外食的重要場所,椎過往研 究鮮少討論夜市餐飲攤商的物流活動。本 研究藉由多重個案研究途徑,利用與夜市 攤商深度訪談與文本分析,提出包括流 程、策略、成員輿設施等元素構成之街頭 市集餐飲供應物流模型,補足餐飲供庸物 流文獻之不足。本研究發現,攤商利用製 程推遲策略克服作業空間與時間的限制, 快速回應顧害需求,此外也運用供應商及 早涉入策略創造產晶差異化之競爭優勢, 而攤商間亦存在垂直合作與水平合作的宣 莊懿妃a ﹒黃旭男b ﹒黃怡瑄C 利共生開係。基E建成本與專業的考量,揖 商採外包策略委請專業廠商處理廢棄物, 以因應恢復營業場所之時間壓力。尤有甚 者,夜市相較於製造業,更容易在廢棄物 處理與寶貝清潔等領域進行道向物流合 作。最後,本研究提出管理意酒供夜市經 營者參考。


Night markets are popular tourist attractions for foreign tourists and also are important places to eat out for local people. However, few studies discuss the logistics of food-and-drink vending in a street market This article conducts in-depth interviews with street vendors and uses content analysis to propose a logistics model that comprises participants, facilities, process, and strategies. This article finds that street vendors customize products through postponement and attempt to overcome the restrictions of timely pressure and narrow space in a night market. Street vendors also create an advantage of making a different product through early supplier involvement in the product development process. Both vertical and horizontal collaborations occur among street vendors. They outsource waste disposal to contracted firms based on cost savings and professional skill. Furthermore, compared to normal high-volume manufacturers, street vendors easily collaborate with their neighbors to dispose of waste material. Finally, this article offers implications for practice.
