
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 中小企業的創業思維及成長策略
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Entrepreneurial Thoughts and Growth Strategies of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
作者 陳雅青盧胡彬陳繁興鄭仁傑紀昭吟
頁次 052-073
關鍵字 中小型企業經營策略機械產業small and medium-sized enterprisesoperation strategymachinery industryTSSCI
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/199582342017031901003


全研科技是台灣機械製造業衆多中小 企業之一,該公司成立後營收一路成長, 但面對同業價格競爭、產品生命週期縮 減、科技快速整合等因素影饔,公司營收 開始下滑,此時,該公司利用藍海策略快 速轉型,跳脫紅海,不再以價格競爭為唯 一手段,並於2013年再創營收新高。現階 段國内已有相當多個案討論藍海策略,惟 其研究對象多以大型企業為主,本研究以 中小企業為個案,希望可提供台灣中小企 業參考借鏡。 本研究以筆者與公司創辦人邱毓英總 經理所進行的深入訪談著手,從創辦人的 人格特質、生活經歷談創業動機,領導公 司從代銷到代工時期,靠著技術的研發創 新、製造及設計建立產品,且經過無數次 的參賽及申請專利認證,並啓動異業聯盟 進行產品行銷,這一連串的轉型過程,讓 全研科技進而創立自有品牌,自許為工具 機界的「勞斯萊斯」。全研科技由代理、 代工生產走向品牌,在企業轉型過程中也 與一般台灣企業一樣面臨價格競爭,故本 研究希望藉由該公司經營轉型成功之關鍵 藍海策略發展模式,提供創業者及中小企 業學習之典範。


Chiuan Yan Technology Co., ltd. is one of many small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan's machinery manufacturing industry. The company's operating revenue has been growing. However, under the influence of factors like price competition in the same trade, product life cycle reduction and rapid integration of science and technology, the company's operating revenue began to decline. At that moment, the company conducted rapid transformation by utilizing the blue ocean strategy and jumped out of the red sea, not to use the price competition as the only means. The operating revenue achieved anotherrecord high in 2013. There are quite a few cases discussing the blue ocean strategy in Taiwan already, but the objects of study are mostly large-sized enterprises. Taking the small and medium-sized enterprises as the cases for study, this study hopes to provide some references for the small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan. This study starts from the author's in-depth interviews with General Manager Yu-ying Chiu, the company's founder, ranging from the founder's personality traits and life experience to entrepreneurial motivation. He has led the company to develop from the commission agent period to the OEM period by manufacturing, designing and establishing products by technical research, development and innovation, participating numerous competitions and patent certification application and launching the horizontal alliance to conduct product marketing. These series of transformation processes have enabled Chiuan Yan Technology to further create its own brand and proudly call itself a "Rolls-Royce" in the circle of tools and machinery. Developing from an agent to conducting OEM manufacturing and then to a brand, Chiuan Yan Technology faces the same issues like price competition and how to escape the red sea faced by the ordinary enterprises in Taiwan during the process of enterprise transformation. To this end, it is hoped that the keys to the successful opemtional transformation and the blue-sea strategy development model of this company can serve as an example for the entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.
