
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 以塔羅牌為諮商媒介所引發低自尊當事人之重要事件與晤談感受初探研究
卷期 24
並列篇名 An Analysis of Significant Events and Session Impact in Counseling with Low Self-Esteem Undergraduates by Using Tarot
作者 江宛凌陳慶福
頁次 107-145
關鍵字 自尊重要事件晤談感受塔羅牌self-esteem,session impactsignificant eventtarotTSSCI
出刊日期 200809


本研究旨在探討應用塔羅牌於低自尊大學生之諮商段落中,低自尊大學 生所知覺之重要事件與晤談感受、自尊變化,及塔羅牌、重要事件與晤談感 受三者間之關聯。本研究透過自尊量表及面談,篩選出三位低自尊當事人, 進行每周一次每次原則六十分鐘、持續進行八次諮商。當事人在每次諮商結 束後由一位訪談員透過晤談感受量表及訪談大綱蒐集當事人在諮商中之重要 事件與晤談感受相關資料。 本研究主要發現如下:當事人認定的重要事件可分為十類。其中正向重 要事件為八類,包括:同時性現象、獲得頓悟和了解、開放個人資料、獲得 諮商師所提供的明確訊息等;當事人所認定負向重要事件為:訊息與感受的 接收或表達困難與未被處理的自我。三位當事人在晤談感受的順暢性、深度 性、正向性與激動性上大致呈現波動趨勢,在經過八次諮商後在自尊量表得 分上均有提昇;本研究最後就塔羅牌、重要事件與晤談感受三者間之關聯作 進一步分析與說明。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the clients’ perceptions of significant events, session impact and self-esteem, and the relations of significant events and session impact in counseling process with low self-esteem undergraduates by using tarot. Three clients were recruited from one university by SLCS-R (The revised Self-Liking and Competence Scale) and interviews. The interviewer collected the data about client’s significant events, and session impact was measured after each session using the Session Evaluation Questionnaire. Generally, every client went through eight counseling sessions per week. The major findings were as follows: All clients identified 10 significant events. The positive significant events were synchronicity, expression of insight and understanding, disclosing personal information, and receiving the clear information from counselor. The negative significant events, were obstruction of information and feeling, and unexplored ego. Regarding session impact,three clients’ perceptions of session smoothness, depth, positiveness and arousal changed extensively during the sessions. The patterns of change were fluctuating. Three clients’ self-esteem was improved after counseling by using tarot. The researchers further explored the relations of tarot, significant events, and session impact.
