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篇名 網路算命使用者行為與特徵分析:資料探勘技術之應用
卷期 37
並列篇名 Characteristics and Behavior Analysis of Online Fortune Telling Users—A Data Mining Approach
作者 帥嘉珍陳杏枝陳耀斌
頁次 097-154
關鍵字 網路算命資料探勘約略集合理論決策樹貝氏網路online fortune tellingData MiningRough Set TheoryBayesian networkDecision TreeTSSCI
出刊日期 201704


命理在華人社會中一直有很大的影響力,近年來隨著使用網際網 路的人口快速增長,在台灣命理相關網站日漸風行。本研究使用資料 探勘工具,針對台灣民眾使用網路算命行為,分析網路算命使用者的 個人特質、使用行為以及使用者動機。本研究以約略集合理論(Rough Set Theory)、決策樹(Decision Tree)與貝氏網路(Bayesian Net-work)的資料探勘方法來進行分析,希望能區隔民眾使用網路算命之特徵、偏好,以瞭解台灣民眾使用網路算命的趨勢。研究發現:網路算命使用者與其個人宗教信仰以及網路宗教的使用密切關係,有朝向上班族及高學歷兩種趨勢,本研究結果將有助於增進對網路算命研究課題之瞭解,同時也可以提供網路業者做為經營參考。


Fortune telling has always been influential in Chinese society. In recent years, internet users have increased considerably in number. This has led to attention to internet-related behavior and characteristics. This study aims to understand the motivation and behavior pattern for Taiwanese users of on-line fortune telling. This paper proposes a method that links the rough set theory, Bayesian network and decision tree modeling for causal analysis. According to our research, usage of on-line fortune telling is related to users’ religion and online religion experience. On the other hand, there are a growing number of welleducated people and full-time workers who use online fortune telling. Data mining results for targeting marketing to on-line users can offer Internet enterprises information for marketing decision making. Based on the findings of this study, conclusions and implications for management are discussed.
