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篇名 東漆大學國書藏和本線裝書概述
卷期 15
並列篇名 An tltoe of the CoSlection of the Japanese Edition of Chinese Books m Teeghal University Library
作者 謝鶯興
頁次 023-064
關鍵字 東海大學和刻本線裝古籍Tunghai UniversityJapanese editionsChinese booksTHCI Core
出刊日期 200307


爲配合台灣大學潘美月敎授編纂「台灣地區和刻本聯合目 錄」的計劃,而整理東海大學館藏和刻本線裝書。首先概述東 海線裝古籍的來源(大都爲蒐購,少數係捐贈)及整理概況。接 著探討近人對「和刻本」的界定9就館藏實況提出「舉凡日本 人士之撰寫、譯註、翻刻、影印、刊行漢籍者,或漢籍中凡見 有曰本訓讀或標音旁註之類者,皆視之爲『和刻本』」的説法 . ,並陳述館藏和刻本依其類別可理出:經部有八類二十三種; 史部有九類二十六種;子部有七類三十八種;集部有四類三十 二種:叢書部有二類九種。最後分析館藏「和刻本」的特色9 一爲它館無此種藏書;二爲雖有藏書,但其版本或卷數不同; 三爲近年來出版社以該版本重新景行;其文獻價值則爲:1.保 存中國早已失傳的古籍,2.板本研究的憑藉,3.中日典籍交流 的明證。


This paper studies the Japanese printing of Chinese books collected in Tunghai University library, with a purpose to joining a research project, "The Japanese Edition Union Catalog in Taiwan Area" by professor Pan Mie-yue of National Taiwan University. In this paper, "Japanese edition" is defined as "Japanese translation, annotation, printing, hand-copy, "xundu' (Japanese reading of kanji or marginalia of the ancient Chinese books." Judged by this criterion, there are altogether 128 books found in the "Tunghai University Library Ancient Book Catalogue of Japanese Editions," which is appended at the end of this paper. The purpose of this paper is not confined in collecting and editing of the editions found, it attempts furthermore, to point out the literary value of these Japanese editions. Firstly, these editions can compensate for the missing or destructed Chinese editions; secondly, they can be used to collating other editions; and thirdly, they can provide information on how the cultural exchange between China and Japan.
