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篇名 会門林樹棬刻書考
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Study of the Art of Prletieg of Liii Shumel
作者 楊永智
頁次 205-238
關鍵字 金門林樹梅刻書版本JinmenLin Shumeibook-printingversionsTHCI Core
出刊日期 200307


章學誠《文史通義》卷四:「橫通之人可少乎?不可少也 ;用其所通之橫$以佐君子之縱也$君子亦不沒其所資之橫也 。」追溯清代嘉慶、道光年間,優游於閩粤臺澎,出身將門9 文武全才的金門人林樹梅,嗜古稽文,著述等身,亦屬「橫通 」之流。歷來學界每多著墨其文采、矚目其武功,惟生平刻書 一事,乏人關注,原因不外刻版印本散佚失傳、付諸蠹魚。筆 者思拂前賢遺光,彌補史徵遺珠,乃於近歲周訪宇内公私藏家 ^希冀自斷簡殘編、札記著錄中翻檢勾稽,竟得刻書存世書目 達四十一種5草綴成文,或能描摹林氏當年成書立説的苦心命 意


Zhang Xuecheng once said in his Wenshi Tbrtgyi•文史通義(General Principle of Literature and History): C4Can we afford to have so few well-read scholars? No, we can5! If their wide knowledge can be used to supplement the integration of knowledge in history writing, their erudition will not be useless ” Lin Shumei, a prestigious personage of noble birth in Qing dynasty, having a record of achievements in both literature and military fields, can be seen as a man with wide knowledge. Scholars have studied his literary and military achievements, but none has paid attention to his expertise in booking printing due to the loss, scattering and destruction of works printed by him. The author of this paper has made an effort to collect from all the public and private collections in Taiwan and on Mainland China the remainders of Lin Shumei^ printed works. As a result, there are altogether 41 are found.
