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篇名 近代日本漢文教育問題與「經學」之退場:以《明治漢文教科書集成》所作之考察
卷期 54:1
並列篇名 Problems about Education on Chinese in Modern Japan and Confucian Classics’ Retreat: Through Integrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji Period
作者 金培懿
頁次 091-134
關鍵字 明治漢學漢文教科書漢文教育經學《明治漢文教科書集成》Sinology in Meiji Japantextbooks of Chineseeducation on ChineseConfucian classicsIntegrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji PeriodMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201603


本文就《編輯復刻版明治漢文教科書集成》所收漢文教科書,以 論述明治日本之漢文教科書之特點與問題點,內容涉及其出版分期、 所收種類、內容特色,進而分析當時漢文教育所呈現出之問題點,以 及其間所蘊涵之可能意義。經由本文考察,明治漢文科教育主要特色 為:1. 以明治19 年「小學校令」頒布作為分水嶺,之前原本自由編 刊、採用的情況,從此轉向以文部省馬首是瞻,受制於政府意識形 態。2. 當漢文學習的「初學」階段,由小學校後退至中學校時,也預 告了此後漢文教育內容日形淺近平易化的發展趨勢。3. 明治初期以江 戶為典範的風氣,隨著《幼學綱要》與《教育勅語》的頒布,遂與日 本主體推崇的主張結合,朝以「和」代「漢」發展,復加「小學教則 大綱」頒布,明定只能收錄以和漢夾雜文體撰寫成之和文,漢文科教 科書所收之文竟「非漢文」。4. 又明治10 年代以還隨著何如璋、王 韜、黎庶昌等清文人訪日,與明治漢文文壇交流日盛,桐城古文遂取 代先秦、兩漢、唐宋古文,成為漢文科教科書之取材內容。 而此四大特色日後成為漢文科教科書審定的重要標準,但卻也因 此衍生出問題;為符合淺近平易化的編書規定,連帶凸顯出「和文」與 「漢文」之間的齟齬,訓讀問題因而被關注;又「脫漢」後的漢文學習 目的,其實就在「藉亞入歐」與涵塑忠孝合一之皇民。最後本文指出 學界歷來未曾言及的問題點,亦即明治漢文教育中「經學」的退場。 而「經學」自學校教育的退場,即是日本「舊型」文化瓦解之具體形 象,亦即自始至終以經書為學習對象的「儒學」學習模式被徹底否定。


This paper analyses the problems about education on Chinese in Meiji Japan through the textbooks in Integrations of Textbooks of Chinese in Meiji Period. There are four characteristics of education on Chinese in Meiji Japan can be seen. First, it was controlled by the government’s ideology. Second, the time to start learning Chinese was postponed to the period in junior high school, and it augured the trivialization of education on Chinese. Third, with Japan stood for its national prestige, only the articles that mixed up Chinese and Japanese could be collected into the textbooks. Fourth, Tong Cheng School’s works displaced the classics before Song Dynasty to be collected into the textbooks. The textbooks are limited by political and academic factors. The trivialization of education on Chinese also showed the collision of Chinese and Japanese. This kind of education on Chinese was made to “go into Europe” and let people be Japanized. The most important problem is Confucian Classics’ retreat. It shows the collapse of old civilization and the negation of learning of Confucian Classics.
