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篇名 鶯歌陶瓷博物館詮釋台灣陶藝發展趨勢與展演內容
卷期 28
並列篇名 Yingge Ceramics Museum’s interpretation of Taiwan Ceramics Trend and Exhibition Content
作者 陳耀姬
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 博物館展示詮釋陶藝museumexhibitionceramic artinterpretation
出刊日期 201704


新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館是臺灣第一座以陶瓷為主題的專業博物,自2000 年正式開館以 來,歷經十五載,對臺灣的陶藝發展有著重要影響。本文以鶯歌陶瓷博物館的常設展和特展 為研究對象,試探討博物館詮釋臺灣陶藝的內容與方式,並透過其十五年來的展示主題資料 的整理分析,觀察其展示的發展趨勢。研究發現,陶博館的常設展示,主要以臺灣陶瓷歷史 內容為中心,採取多元詮釋的展示架構,透過主題取向的展示方式,利用陶瓷文物、圖文解說、 記錄影片等多元的展示媒介,呈現臺灣陶藝的產業、文化、常民生活等多元面向,但缺少對 臺灣現代陶藝的詮釋;陶博館的特展則主要圍繞現代陶藝和陶瓷產業為重心,舉辦各種類型 的展示,呈現現代陶藝發展趨勢和陶瓷產業的發展,但對陶瓷文史之展示和研究有待加強。


Yingge Ceramics Museum is the first professional ceramic museum in Taiwan since 2000, which has had asignificant influence on the ceramic arts development of Taiwan for the past 15 years. This study discusses how the museum interprets ceramics arts in Taiwan through the exhibitions in the Yingge ceramics museum (YPM). From the past 15 years exhibition’s data, this study has explored the developmental trend of its exhibitions. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study: The permanent exhibition of YPM is based on the history of ceramics using multi-interpretative exhibition structures and thematic display to show the dimensions of industry, culture and folk life on ceramics, but at the same time lacks the interpretation of modern ceramics art in Taiwan. The temporary exhibitions of YPM focus on modern ceramics art and ceramics industry, showing the development through displaying a variety of exhibitions, but its historical exhibitions still need improvement.
