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篇名 王安石與徽宗畫學關係蠡論
卷期 28
並列篇名 An Inference on the Relationship between Wang Anshi and the Painting Institution of Emperor Huizong
作者 朱正卿
頁次 025-052
關鍵字 王安石蔡京宋徽宗畫學Wang AnshiCai JingSong HuizongPainting institution
出刊日期 201704


南宋鄧椿《畫繼》載云︰「崇寧三年(1104 年),(徽宗)始建五嶽觀,⋯⋯應詔者數百人, 咸使圖之,多不稱旨。自此之後,益興畫學,⋯⋯」根據古籍,陳葆真認為,徽宗在畫院外 又設立畫學,主要原因是為了興建道教寺觀。但《元史》記載,五嶽觀的興建、峻工時間要 早於《畫繼》所載,徽宗崇寧時期的五嶽觀已有近九十年的歷史。因此,美化道教建築或許 是徽宗建置畫學之主要理由,但除此之外呢?徽宗的藝術教育施政是否還受到其他重要因素 影響?本文試從蔡京與王安石、蔡京與徽宗、王安石與徽宗三者關係,討論王安石新學思想, 對於徽宗的繪畫創作要求與畫學設置有何影響。


Deng Chun of the Southern Song dynasty recorded in Hua Ji, “In the third year of the Chongning period (1104), (Emperor Huizong) built Wuyue Temple,......and recruited hundreds of painters by imperial edict but their paintings did not satisfy Emperor Huizong. Thenceforth the Painting institution established.” According to the ancient texts, Pao-Chen Chen believes that the main reason Emperor Huizong established painting institutions outside of imperial art academies was to build Taoist temples. It was recorded in Yuan Shi, however, that the building of Wuyue Temple was completed before the time recorded in Hua Ji, and the Wuyue Temple was almost ninety years old by the Chongning period of Emperor Huizong’s time. The beautification of Taoist architecture may have been the main reason why Emperor Huizong established Painting institution, but what were the other reasons? Was Emperor Huizong’s implementation of art education affected by other important influences? This paper looks at the triangular relationship between Cai Jing, Wang Anshi, and Emperor Huizong to discuss how Wang Anshi’s New Learning (Xinxue) influenced Emperor Huizong’s orders for paintings and the establishment of Painting institution.
