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篇名 習近平穩固軍權之研究-以中共解放軍上將陞黜為例
卷期 110
作者 吳胤瓛
頁次 095-120
關鍵字 人民解放軍習近平中共中央軍事委員會軍權People 's Liberation ArmyXi JinpingChinese Communist PartyCentral Military Commissionmilitary power
出刊日期 201706


中共黨内權鬥動輒以「黨性」征服「人性」,馬列主義理論核心直指暴力奪權。軍事將領調 換,表面上是針對國外敵人,但實際上更是在針對内部政敵。因此,頻繁更換軍隊和武警高層, 在在為強化領袖個人〜舉』槍指揮黨」。本研究為探討中共高層權力鬥爭和權力重組,習近平通 過政治清洗實踐其對軍隊之直接操控,及如何將解放軍變成個人政治權力基礎。 本研究聚焦在習近平掌權後迄今之解放軍上將陞黜,以為觀察指標,了解其在中共内部核心 權力競奪與鞏固狀況,就共黨内鬨傾軋、層峰分歧所形成之原因進行探究。藉由解放軍上將之省 籍分佈、人脈派系歸屬及年紀結構等諸面向,分析中共核心權力競奪,從理論層次歸結中共領導 人藉甄拔與查撤解放軍上將達成領導核心重配置。從中追溯人事更迭佈局可以獲悉及解釋其掌控 軍權程度之消長變化,故解放軍上將編階之將領佈局可視為是否掌控軍權之象徵,並藉此鑑別中 共領導人在黨内權鬥地位之浮沉。


This study focuses on how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping consolidates his military power. In CCP, power struggle is the most important game. There will be a single person who dominates all the politics, the military, and other fields, according to the CCP rules. So we would like to understand the problems on the struggle for the CCP top leadership. This paper examines the specific of the "core centralization" and "the next term of office." It tries to explain how the CCP power operates, what the power struggle within CCP is. We take the advantage of content analysis to figure out the promotion of the PLA three-star generals (admirals), then clarify the trajectory of the power struggle and the causal relationship. Now we realize that the highest leader of CCP, Xi Jinping, is not only to pursue the "Chinese Dream," but also to seek massive control power by reshuffle of the three-star generals (admirals) to make his own dream come true.
