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篇名 我國動物保護行政組織診斷之研究—道德性政策理論的觀察
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 The Study on Organizational Diagnosis of Public Organizations for Animal Protection in Taiwan: Based on Morality Policy Theory
作者 吳宗憲蕭名凱
頁次 030-069
關鍵字 動物保護動物保護檢查員組織診斷重要績效度分析Animal ProtectionAnimal Protection InspectorsOrganizational DiagnosisImportance-Performance Analysis
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6635/cpar.2017.23(2).02


我國《動物保護法》隨著動物保護議題逐漸受到各界重視,自立法公布至今 歷經數次修正,現行法規可謂相當嚴格,但仍見層出不窮的動保案件,這導因於 動保議題具道德性政策之特色,產生立法雖快,卻面臨法律標準過高,致使行政 機關面臨「徒法不足以自行」、「立法從嚴,執法從寬」的窘境。身為重要執法者 的動保行政組織,卻無法隨著法律修訂而合適地調整,致使動保政策將難以有效 落實。這些政策執行上的困境,會造成動保行政人員極大壓力,甚至產生同情疲 勞等心理創傷而自我傷害,其已嚴重影響動保行政工作之效率,而這些類似的行 政組織問題,也常見於消防業務、社會工作及醫療救助等繁重但較邊緣的行政業 務性質上。 國内以往針對政府機構改革的分析,多由組織學者或内部工作者直觀的分 析,極少以量化方式對行政組織設計進行研究,故有時流於各說各話的困境,尤 其是上述邊緣業務性質的工作,就更缺乏深入調查。再者,過往組織理論,習於 理性決策的模式,多半是透過組織整併、精簡層級或縮減員額之方式以提升組織 效率,惟動保行政組織,因其道德性政策的性質,有其特殊的組織困境,是值得 深究的問題。 據此,本研究以各地方動保行政機關的行政者為研究對象,根據組織設計、 組織診斷理論來設計調查問卷,分析方法為「重要績效度分析」(Importance-performance Analysis, IPA)。 實務上,期望透過對動保行政組織的業務面、人資管理面與組織面調查,提出合理調整之政策建議;理論上,期望透過本次的嘗 試性案例分析以回饋於組織設計理論,並做為未來其他政策領域行政組織調查的 參考。


In Taiwan, the Animal Protection Act was enacted in 1998. As awareness of animal protection grew, the law went through several revisions over the years. However, animal protection is closely related to morality policy issue, so it causes the following circumstances: First, the law is amended quickly. Secondly, legislators make laws and regulations too stricter to enforce. Finally, for the public sectors, they face various administrative requirements but didn’t have enough manpower. As important law enforcers of the animal protection public sectors, now the officials are facing the dilemma that they don’t have enough recourse to enforce. It also makes the officials under so much pressure and suffering from compassion fatigue. Due to the difference between morality policy and ordinary policy, it also affects the organizational design. Therefore, the primary goal of this research is not only to diagnose the animal protection organization but also to know how to design it based on morality policy. The method used in this research is “Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA)” and the officials of Taiwan’s animal protection public sector as the study object. Through that, it will provide recommendations for policy practices and feedback to organizational design theory.
