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篇名 慢跑機能服飾需求之問卷訪談分析
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 The analysis of jogging compression garment requirements using questionnaire interview
作者 張倍喧陳淑芬沈培德
頁次 011-016
關鍵字 compression garmentquestionnaire investigationfuture requirementjogging clothing壓力服飾問卷調查未來需求慢跑服飾
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/240996512017060401002


緒論:近年來慢跑機能服飾產品不斷地推陳出新,台灣紡織業若想要發展獨特且創新性的產品,就必須了解 目前使用者的需求,作為未來產品開發時的重要依據。方法:本研究透過問卷訪談的使用者經驗探討,期望 得知目前待解決的問題與未來需求期待。結果:從問卷結果得知,吸濕排汗為使用者穿著最重視的問題;根 據需求差異來增加更多分類項目的服飾是可行的方向;並且將服飾結合運動傷害思维,保護腳踝穩定與提供 肌肉支撐等新的設計理念。結論:綜合問卷結果得知,目前慢跑運動員使用具功能性設計機能服飾的情形並 不普遍,而使用者目前最重視的條件為舒適度與排汗透氣兩大特點。從產品使用角度來觀察,未來根據使用 者不同的需求,訓練期與比賽期、夏季與冬季等;在功能性設計上,從運動傷害角度切人,未來開發產品若 針對腳踝關節穩定的保護,以及針對腳踝活動的肌群,提供輔助收縮的效果。改進目前遇到的問題並且根據 以上要點,未來可開發不同類型的慢跑機能服飾。


Introduction: With the technological innovation, compression garment for runners has been developed at a fast pace in recent years. To create unique and innovative products, Taiwan textile industry has to understand the needs of users. Methods: The study used questionnaire interviews to know about the current problems need to be solved and users' future expectations. Results: The results showed that moisture management was the issue that users care about most. It is a feasible direction to create more clothing sub-categories according to users' different needs. The perceptions of sports injury prevention, such as ankle stability and muscle support, can also be innovative ideas for clothing design. Conclusions: The industry should, based on questionnaire results, improve the current problems and the problem solving experience could be used as reference for new product development in the future.
