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篇名 利用人員劑量佩章與熱發光劑量計晶片評估有效劑量與個人等效劑量之差異
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Assessment of the Difference between Effective Dose and Personnel Dose Equivalent Using Badge and TLD-Chip Dosimeters
作者 陳立言許芳裕許靖涵游澄清
頁次 1465-1470
關鍵字 人員劑量佩章熱發光劑量計侖道假體有效劑量Personal Dose BadgeThermoluminescent DosimeterRando PhantomEffective Dose
出刊日期 201706


本實驗將利用侖道假體與熱發光劑量計晶片量測實際之有效劑量,並以目前常用之人員劑量計佩章評估個人 等效劑量Hp(10)。並考量以不同能量範圍的光子曝露場(80 kV,130 kV,6 MV,10 MV),及4 種不同曝露幾何 (AP,PA,LLAT,RLAT)下,探討有效劑量與Hp(10)兩者之差異,並評估出其轉換系數。人員劑量佩章配掛於軀 幹不同位置之影響,亦被評估。


This study intend to estimate the effective dose, E, by means of a RANDO phantom and thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) chips, and measure the personal dose equivalent, Hp(d), by using the personal dose badges, which concerned irradiation by different photon energies (80 kV, 130 kV, 6 MV, 10 MV) and irradiation geometries (AP, PA, RLAT, LLAT) will be considered to investigate the difference between E and Hp(10), and the conversion coefficients of E/Hp(10) in each case will be calculated. The dose variance due to the position of wearing badge in front of the torso will also be assessed and discussed.
