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篇名 光激發光劑量計於宜蘭地區環境輻射監測之應用與探討
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Environment Radiation Measurement in Yi-Lan Region of Taiwan Using Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeter
作者 林昱逢康曉君林招膨盧佳君丁健益陳嘉倫
頁次 1481-1488
關鍵字 光激發光劑量計三氧化二鋁環境輻射OSLDAl2O3Environmental Radiation
出刊日期 201706


光激發光劑量計(Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeter, OSLD)輻射劑量偵測特性為可累計計讀、重複計 讀之特性、不需加熱使晶體發光、適合重複驗證之劑量度量,為未來輻射劑量評估技術主軸。目前國內較少用於 環境輻射測量,本研究使用OSLD 對宜蘭地區環境輻射做長時間之測量,確認能有效運用於環境輻射劑量評估。 本研究使用90 顆三氧化二鋁的光激發光劑量計,以季為單位做環境輻射量測,將劑量計放置於可阻隔外來光源 的黑色塑膠殼內,選擇環境輻射監測地點15 處佈點,佈點時間一季。實驗分為兩組,一組採用佩章型光激發光 劑量計,另一組採用NanoDot 光激發光劑量計。兩組計讀結果顯示多數地點量測為背景值(450~500 μSv/s),部分 地區劑量略微增加,推測地勢與氣候為影響主因,計讀結果顯示整體環境背景值增加。本研究結果顯示光激發光 劑量計可應用於環境量測且具準確性與可行性。


The dose characteristics of optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter can be accumulated, repeat, without heating the crystal light, suitable for repeated verification of the dose measurement. At present, there were less used for environmental radiation measurement. In this study, we use OSLD to measure the environmental radiation in Yilan area for a long time to confirm that it can be effectively applied to environmental radiation dose assessment. In this study, 90 aluminum oxide photoelectrometer dosimeters were used to measure the environmental radiation. The experimental group and the control group were designed. The dosimeter was placed in a black plastic shell that could block foreign light sources. Location 15 points, distribution time 1 year. In the experimental group, the extinction dose was repeated after the cumulative dose was counted. The control group continued to use the accumulated dose for a single time. Only the previous dose was used as the actual dose, compared with the experimental results of the two groups. Dose limits to discuss their accuracy. (450~500μSv/s), the dose increased slightly in some areas, suggesting that the terrain and climate as the main reason; the control group showed that the overall environmental background value increased, but all the within the limits of the regulations.
