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篇名 強度調控放射治療計技術運用於肺癌治療之鄰近重要器官劑量評估
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Estimation of the Normal Tissue Radiation Dose in Lung Cancer Using Intensity Modulation Radiation Therapy
作者 蔡定翰林世民林招膨丁健益
頁次 1489-1496
關鍵字 肺癌強度調控放射治療光激發光劑量計侖道假體有效劑量二次癌症風險Lung CancerIMRTOSLDRando PhantomEffective DoseSecondary Cancer Risk Assessment
出刊日期 201706


肺部是人體的重要器官,在肺癌放射治療中其重要器官之有效劑量是放射腫瘤科醫師和醫學物理師持續關注 的問題,目的在於肺部接受放射治療時,人體其他重要器官所接受的劑量是否過多。周圍正常組織器官可能因治 療時所接收到的輻射劑量,導致不同程度之二次誘發癌症風險。本研究使用光激發光劑量計(Optical Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter, OSLD),針對評估肺癌強度調控放射治療(Intensity Modulation Radiation Therapy, IMRT) 的重要器官劑量,使用Varian 直線加速器,執行肺癌強度調控放射治療技術,以侖道假體作為測量對象,並在假 體內各輻射重要組織器官放置光激發光劑量計,量測人體重要器官的有效劑量。利用ICRP 103 號報告,測量其 有效劑量,並使用劑量與劑量率效能因數(Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factor, DDREF)計算修正前後之輻射誘 發二次癌症風險。由實驗結果得知,在使用IMRT 做肺癌治療時,每個器官都有不同的評估標準和最大劑量值。 根據這次研究得到的數值發現甲狀腺及骨表面在標準上有較高的有效劑量,而其他的組織器官有效劑量則是保持 在正常的標準範圍內。甲狀腺的部分在6 MV 時估略有143.6 mSv 有效劑量,在10 MV 時估略有142.8 mSv;而在 骨表面的部分6 MV 有著147.2 mSv,在10 MV 時約為145 mSv 的有效劑量。


The lungs are vital organs of the human body; Effective dose of vital organs in radiotherapy for lung cancer is a continuing concern for radiologists and medical physicists. The purpose is to receive radiation therapy in the lungs, the body of other important organs to accept the dose is too much. The surrounding normal tissues and organs may be received by the treatment of radiation dose, leading to varying degrees of secondary risk of cancer. In this study, a Varian linear accelerator was used to perform lung cancer intensity-controlled radiotherapy techniques using optical stabilizer dosimetry (OSLD) for assessing the vital organ dose of Intensity Modulation Radiation Therapy (IMRT). The OSLD were placed in tissues and organs in the Rando Phantom. The effective dose was measured using ICRP 103 and the risk of secondary cancer induced by radiation before and after the correction was calculated using Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factor (DDREF). From the experimental results that, in the use of IMRT to do lung cancer treatment, each organ has a different assessment criteria and the maximum dose value. According to the value of this study found that the thyroid and bone surface in the standard have a higher effective dose, while the other effective dose of tissue and organs is maintained within the normal standard range. The thyroid fraction was estimated to have an effective dose of 143.6 mSv at 6 MV and 142.8 mSv at 10 MV; and in the portion 6 MV of the bone surface had 147.2 mSv and an effective dose of about 145 mSv at 10 MV.
