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篇名 社區推廣親子共讀之研究─以新莊區衛生所書香小站為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Case Study of Promoting Parent-Child Reading in the Community Reading Group
作者 林昀萱張麗芬林怡滿
頁次 029-055
關鍵字 社區活動閱讀推廣親子共讀community activityparent-child readingreading promotion
出刊日期 201608




This study was designed to investigate how the community reading association promoted the parent-child reading. The purposes of this study were to understand the processes and challenges when volunteers of the Xinzhuang Reading Station promoting parent-child reading in the Public Health Center in New Taipei City. The researchers conducted the qualitative study by interviewing three members in the Xinzhuang Reading Station to pursue the goals. The results were summarized as follows: First, the reasons to set up the reading station in the Public Health Center were to promote parent-child reading while children having the regular vaccination. Additionally, the Xinzhuang Reading Station was organized resources between the government and community. The reading project was sponsored by the Public Health Center, Rotary Club of Xinzhuang Southwest and Xinzhuang Reading Association. Finally, the challenges were the shortages of human resources, limitations of environment, and cooperations from parents. The research findings provided the blueprint for the government to promote reading projects in the community. It also presented a practical guideline of parent- child reading for practitioner and the perspectives of research studies.
