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篇名 情緒對決策的影響:以長期使用安非他命之女性受刑人為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 The effect of emotions on decision-making: evidence from female long-term methamphetamine-using offenders
作者 魏芊蕙陳畹蘭
頁次 057-092
關鍵字 安非他命情緒維持假說愛荷華牌局軀體標記假說methamphetamineIowa Gambling Taskmood-mainenance hypothesissomatic marker hypothesis
出刊日期 201608


研究目的:安非他命對個體的影響,除了短暫的欣快感外, 長期使用對生理、人際交往、以及職業或社會功能都有負面的影 響,甚至引發犯罪的問題。實證研究顯示,比起沒有使用物質者, 安非他命使用者容易作出可獲得立即酬賞但是品質不佳、風險大 的決策。因此,近年來許多研究嘗試著瞭解安非他命使用者作決 策的行為模式,及相關的影響因素。本研究旨在以「情緒標記假 說」和「情緒維持假說」為參考架構,驗證正、負向情緒對於長 期安非他命女性使用者在愛荷華牌局表現的影響。研究方法:本 研究招募53 位長期使用安非他命的女性受刑人,以情緒引發程序 分別引發愉悅、難過及中性情緒。接著以愛荷華牌局任務進行決 策評估。研究結果:正向情緒組在任務的初期,影響受試者由決 策經驗的反饋避免風險大的決策,同時正向情緒也有助於個體作 出獲利少但損失也小的穩健決策。另一方面,負向情緒也可以幫 助個體從作決定的經驗中,學習避免獲利多但損失大的決策,但 是需要的時間較正向情緒長;不過就最終的效果來看,負向情緒 對於決策品質比起中向情緒是較有幫助的。研究討論:本研究結 果對於「情緒標記假說」或是「情緒維持假說」都提供了部分的 支持。正、負向情緒在愛荷華牌局的不同階段,對於其決策品質 產生影響。研究結果對理論的意涵和未來研究的建議也提出說 明。


Purpose: Methamphetamine use brings immediate pleasures but long-term negative consequences on individual, including physical discomfort, relationship problems, occupational and social functions impairment, and legal problems. Decision making is thought to play a key role in methamphetamine relapse, and research indicated that long-term methamphetamine users were more likely than non-users to make high risk decisions. The somatic-marker hypothesis as well as mood-maintenance hypothesis propose that individual’s decision-making depends on emotions and feelings. This study aimed to understand the effect of emotions on decision-making by investigating the performance of Iowa gambling task of long-term amphetamine female users. Methods: 53 female long-term methamphetamine-using offenders were induced positive, negative, or neutral emotions, respectively, by using emotional eliciting procedure. Then Iowa gambling task was followed to assess the performance of decision making. Result: The results indicated that after the first 20 trails, individuals in positive emotion tended to avoid disadvantageous deck based on their previous experience. At the same time, positive emotion helped individuals to choose more advantageous deck. Interestingly, negative emotion also help individuals to avoid disadvantageous deck, however, the effects came in the later part of the task. Overall, compared to neutral emotion, negative promoted more quality of decision making. Discussion: The findings from the present study partially supported both the somatic marker hypothesis and mood maintenance hypothesis. Negative emotion as well as positive emotion influence decision making in different time points of Iowa gambling task. Theoretical and future research implications are also discussed.
