
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 行深:「臨床」、「臨終」、「治癒」和「療遇」交錯的人文徵候及其超越
卷期 46
並列篇名 Remembering Dr. Yee Der-Heuy’s Academic Work
作者 林耀盛
頁次 195-237
關鍵字 人文心理學本土心理學柔適照顧臨床心理學療遇anima careclinical psychologyhealing encounterhumanistic psychologyindigenous psychologyTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6254/2016.46.195


本文主要回顧探討余德慧教授「臨終關懷」與「柔適照顧」理念 及其實踐,並反思余德慧教授對本土心理學採取「在地遷迴」策略的 貢獻。本文認為余德慧兼具「行深般若」智慧,因而開啟一條不一樣 的心理學道路。也因如此的異端思維,經常面對各種學術責難,仍然 「不動心」的直行而進。 回應海德格(M. Heidegger)的說法,思考本身就是一種行動, 追問是思考的虔誠。思為路,行在恆常追問的路途上。回顧余德慧教 授一生,終究走一趟「域外」的旅程,初始雖難被理解,卻也開啟了 心理學認識論反覆追問的永恆思路。 余德慧教授學術上的在地遷迴、遠交近攻的渾成策略,猶如「土 星氣質」般,彷彿留下非主流的意象。但非主流、邊緣、餘外、另類、 異數,都不足以反映余德慧教授遺留的學術人文風景、深度實踐義 理,以及侘寂的生存美學。 本文指出余德慧教授的貢獻,建立了形成具體學術論辯脈絡的思 想緩坡,也指出創新越界渾成的新知識路向,期能激發更多元深刻的學術思維,使緩慢繞路的知識進程得以抵達新可能性。


This article reviews Professor Yee Der-Heuy’s alternative psychology journey and revisits the process of hospice and anima care in his clinical healing encountering approach. Dr. Yee endorsed indigenous psychology methodologies, which entail an alternate epistemology to mainstream psychology approaches. He thus faced a variety of academic challenges. Dr. Yee applied a humanistic approach in his research in Taiwan on spiritual transformation and religious practices in the process of dying. He recognized the importance of grounding human science in the psychological life of the Taiwanese people by abandoning armchair academic practices and getting involved in people’s lives, especially their suffering. It is the precious academic works that can stimulate more profound academic thinking impacts in the future. Though the knowledge achievement Dr. Yee had left may be comprehended slowly by the detour way, many young scholars will greatly be inspired by his vision to understand his theoretical view and practical wisdom eventually.
